This release includes the following system features.
E300 ENET System Revision
Feature First Identified as of Firmware Revision 7.200
Catalog Numbers: 193-EIO-xx-xxx, 193-EIOGP-xx-xxx
Changes highlighted in green.
193-EIO Application
Feature First Identified as of Firmware Revision 7.000
Catalog Numbers: 193-EIO-xx-xxx, 193-EIOGP-xx-xxx
Changes highlighted in green.
This release corrects the following anomalies.
ADC Does Not Complete After Reset
Corrected Anomaly with Firmware Revision 7.200
Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 7.180
Catalog Numbers: 193-EIO-xx-xxx, 193-EIOGP-xx-xxx
Automatic Device Configuration does not complete after 8-8-8 reset of E300 Series B module with custom DeviceLogix™ program.
E3 Emulation Mode Input Not Changing States
Corrected Anomaly with Firmware Revision 7.200
Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 7.182
Catalog Numbers: 193-EIO-xx-xxx, 193-EIOGP-xx-xxx
Input is not changing states on the DIO when in E3 Emulation Mode and using a 2In2Out GP control module.
GUID Does Not Reset
Corrected Anomaly with Firmware Revision 7.200
Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 7.182
Catalog Numbers 193-EIO-xx-xxx, 193-EIOGP-xx-xxx
In an E300 Series B module, GUID does not change or reset if DeviceLogix™ program changes.
Lost EtherNet/IP Connection
Corrected Anomaly with Firmware Revision 7.200
Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 7.180
Catalog Numbers: 193-EIO-xx-xxx, 193-EIOGP-xx-xxx
MS LED Blinking Red when EtherNet/IP™ connection is lost.
NVS Data Cleared
Corrected Anomaly with Firmware Revision 7.200
Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 7.180
Catalog Numbers: 193-EIO-xx-xxx, 193-EIOGP-xx-xxx
When a large file size is loaded/restored into the product, some NVS data might have been cleared.
Buffer Overflow Issue
Corrected Anomaly with Firmware Revision 7.200
Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware 7.198
Catalog Numbers: 193-EIO-xx-xxx, 193-EIOGP-xx-xxx
E300 Control Module Series B, the buffer in ac_ShowSelTimeEnt overflows. The correction prevents the overflow from occurring.
Unsigned Integer Overflow
Corrected Anomaly with Firmware Revision 7.200
Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 7.198
Catalog Numbers: 193-EIO-xx-xxx, 193-EIOGP-xx-xxx
E300 Control Module Series B, the unsigned integer overflow buffer in Timer0IntHandler overflows. The correction prevents the overflow from occurring.
Rockwell Automation Company 'Internal'