Release Notes

( 9324-RLDx ) Studio 5000 programming software. All you need for discrete, process, batch, motion, safety etc.
Version 23.00.01 (released 11/2016)

Catalog Number Studio 5000 Logix Designer 

These release notes describe version information for Studio 5000 Logix Designer, version 23.00.01 (released 11/2016).


This release has the following requirements.

Software Requirements v23

System Requirements

Logix Designer 23.x

Operating system and service pack compatibility:

For operating systems that support User Account Control (UAC), this version of the Logix Designer application was tested with UAC set to the most restrictive level (Always notify for Windows 7). This version of the Logix Designer application is also expected to operate correctly when UAC is configured for any less restrictive setting.

Running the Logix Designer application in conjunction with Fast-User Switching, in Safe mode, or via Remote Desktop is not supported.
Software Requirements Product Considerations v23

System Requirements

Logix Designer 23.x

RSNetWorx and the DeviceNet Tag Generator must be upgraded prior to installing these products.

Known Anomalies in This Release

This release has the following known anomalies.

Cannot inhibit or uninhibit digital I/O (Lgx00168597)

Cannot inhibit or uninhibit digital I/O children of Flex Ethernet adapters. (x168597)

This anomaly first identified in version 23.00.

Labels are cut off and dislocated in BOOTP-DHCP Server applications (Lgx00152848)

When the font size in Windows 7 is set to 125%, the labels in the Network Settings and DHCP properties of BOOTP-DHCP Server application are cut off, making them unreadable. They are also dislocated, where they do not match with the proper input fields.

This anomaly first identified in version 23.00.

Filter buttons missing when importing rungs into an AOI (Lgx00156489)

When you import rungs into an Add-On Instruction, the following filter options are missing when you click Final Name on the Configure Tag References pane of the Import Configuration dialog box:

Only the Show controller tags and Show program tags check boxes are available.

This anomaly first identified in version 23.00.

Module Definition Change button with 1756-L71 (Lgx00167916)

When creating a new project with a 1756-L71 controller on EtherNet/IP, adding a 1756-CNB module, clicking the Change button under Module Definition, and then switching the input or output module, causes the Logix Designer application to lock and lose functionality.
This anomaly first identified in version 23.00.00.


Find All search limited to Edit Zones produces incorrect results (Lgx00139950)

Corrected Anomaly with Studio 5000 Logix Designer v29.00

Incorrect search results appear in the Structured Text (ST) Editor and in the Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor when you conduct a Find All search and limit the search to Edit Zones.
This anomaly first identified in version 23.00.01.

Find All search limited to Edit Zones produces incorrect results (Lgx00139950)

Corrected Anomaly with Studio 5000 Logix Designer v29.00

Incorrect search results appear in the Structured Text (ST) Editor and in the Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor when you conduct a Find All search and limit the search to Edit Zones.
This anomaly first identified in version 23.00.01.

Go To dialog context varies within FBD Editor (Lgx00143603)

Corrected Anomaly with Studio 5000 Logix Designer v29.00

The Go To dialog context varies within the Function Block Diagram (FBD) Editor.

This anomaly first identified in version 23.00.01.

Known Anomalies from Previous Releases

These anomalies are from previous releases but are still known in this release.


Blank Primary Window (Lgx0039239)


RSLogix 5000 Software 16.x

If you have a primary help window displayed and you open a help topic which displays a secondary window, the primary window may become blank. This is the result of a problem with the Windows Help compiler. To display the original topic, click Help Topics and re-select the original topic.

Module: Modify Properties (Lgx00072088)


RSLogix 5000 Software 16.x

With the security action “Motion: Modify Configuration” granted, you should be allowed to modify the motion configuration. You are allowed to change the axis association to a module from the Axis Properties dialog but are erroneously prevented from making this change from the Module Properties dialog. To allow the axis association to be configured on the Module Properties dialog, grant access for the security action “Module: Modify Properties”. This will enable all of the tabs of the Module Properties dialog, including the Axis Association tab.

Hardware Overtravel Fault (x66998)


RSLogix 5000 Software 16.x

For Kinetix 6000 axes configured in RSLogix 5000, if you have both Soft Overtravel and Hardware Overtravel Limits enabled, and you configure the Soft Overtravel Fault Action as "Status Only", be aware that a Hardware Overtravel Fault Action configured for "Stop Motion" may not "Stop Motion" due to the two faults existing together and the first fault action being set to "Status Only". For more information refer to Technical Note: ID=36709 "2094 Kinetix 6000; Soft Overtravel triggers first then sequential hard overtravel does not stop motion", and Technical Note: ID=21500 "How do I get off a Soft Overtravel?"

SERCOS Ring Phase Up (x43750, x43870, x44775)


RSLogix 5000 Software 16.x

If a motion Axis_Servo_Drive axis is configured with a Loop Configuration using auxiliary feedback, there are 3 choices for the units for Drive Counts per: Aux Rev, Aux Inch, Aux Millimeter. Only the default Aux Rev is valid for RA SERCOS Drives. Selecting Aux Inch or Aux Millimeter will cause a SERCOS Ring phase up fault at Phase 3. The SERCOS Fault reported will be “Position Data Scaling – Invalid attribute value”. To workaround the problem, select Aux Rev as the units when configuring a Loop Configuration using Dual/Auxiliary feedback.

Unable to Enable Security (x107466)


RSLogix 5000 18.x

The SetSecKeys tool included with RSLogix 5000 software version 17 and earlier do not work with User Account Control (UAC) turned on. When a SetSecKeys tool earlier than file version is executed with UAC turned on, security appears to be enabled, yet security remains disabled in RSLogix 5000 software. If a version of SetSecKeys earlier than file version is used inadvertently, SetSecKeys file versions and later can still be used to enable security. (Note that depending on the operating system, the file version of SetSecKeys.exe can be viewed on either the Details tab or the Version tab of the File Properties dialog box.)


Windows 7 Operating Systems (x111504, x113166, v124864)


RSLogix 5000 19.x

There are a number of issues related to compatibility of RSLogix 5000 software with the Windows 7 operating system. The most significant of these includes the following:

XML Full Project (x114197)


RSLogix 5000 20.x

Unable to Open Full Project XML Format File (.L5X) for Project File of Later Version of RSLogix 5000 Software than is Being Executed.

When attempting to open a full project xml format file (.L5X), an error may be reported indicating "Controller Revision not supported". This will occur when the major revision of the xml format file being opened is later than the revision of RSLogix 5000 software being executed.


For example, when executing RSLogix 5000 software version 19, an attempt to open an xml format file for version 20 will report the error. However, when executing RSLogix 5000 software version 20, an attempt to open an xml format file for version 19 will not exhibit the problem. When this error is observed, first switch to the RSLogix 5000 software version for the xml format file, and then open the file. This problem does not affect L5K or ACD files. (x114197)


Slow Launch Times (x125369)


RSLogix 5000 Software 20.x

When RSLogix 5000 software is launched for the first time after restarting your personal computer, it may take 1 to 3 minutes for RSLogix 5000 software to be available for use. This behavior is also exhibited when launching FactoryTalk Administration Console or any other product that uses FactoryTalk Services Platform. Note that subsequent launches of these applications will not experience this behavior. This is only observed on the first launch of the application after a restart of the personal computer. If you experience launch times significantly longer than 3 minutes, refer to the firewall configuration settings in Tech Note #29402

Long Timeout (x125029, x125045)


First identified in RSLogix 5000 20.x

When a PowerFlex 755 drive loses power during a firmware supervisor update, it can take over 10 minutes for RSLogix 5000 software to report the time out. Once the connection to the powered-up PowerFlex 755 drive has been restored, the firmware supervisor will then successfully update the drive's firmware.

Logix CPU Security Tool

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.011

RSLogix 5000™ Version 20.00

Studio 5000 Logix Designer™ First Identified as of Version 21.00


Catalog numbers:

Disable Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties Features (Lgx00135928)

Known Anomaly First Identified As Of Firmware Revision 21.011

Studio 5000 Logix Designer First Identified As Of Version 21.00

Catalog Numbers:
- 1756 ControlLogix L7
- 1756 GuardLogix L7
- 5370 CompactLogix L1
- 5370 CompactLogix L2
- 5370 CompactLogix L3

IMPORTANT: The following restrictions apply to enabling or disabling the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties feature and should be considered collectively. Any, or none, of these restrictions might apply to your application.

Restriction #1
Storing your project comments and tag descriptions in the controller can increase upload/download times. Be aware of the following:
If you click the Cancel dialog box during the Finalize portion of the download process, the download process continues to successful completion and you may not be able to access the controller for long as 10 minutes.
If the Finalizing portion of the download process takes longer than 10 minutes, the controller can generate a Major Non-recoverable fault (MNRF).

To work around this restriction, clear the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties checkbox when downloading the project.

Restriction #2

IMPORTANT: This restriction exists only in environments that use multi-workstation development.
If you are using multi-workstation development, we strongly recommend that you configure the Logix Designer project to include all project documentation and extended properties when downloading a project to the controller.
This configuration setting is the default setting.
A Logix Designer project can lose content from the text boxes for routines written in either Function Block Diagram (FBD) or Sequential Function Chart (SFC) programming languages when both of the following conditions exist:
Multiple workstations are online with the controller.
The project is configured such that the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties checkbox is cleared.
When project edits are made at one workstation, the content in the text boxes of edited routines are deleted from all of the other workstations in the environment.
To work around this restriction, configure the Logix Designer project so that the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties checkbox is checked.

IMPORTANT: Consider the following:
This anomaly does not apply if your Logix Designer project uses Ladder Logic (LL) or Structured Text (ST) programming languages.
A restriction applies to when you check the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties checkbox.

Restriction #3

IMPORTANT: This restriction exists only in environments that use multi-workstation development.
If you are using multi-workstation development, we strongly recommend that you configure the Logix Designer project to include all project documentation and extended properties when downloading a project to the controller.
A Logix Designer project can temporarily lose content in the Rung Comments sections when all of the following conditions exist:
Multiple workstations are online with the controller.
The project is configured such that the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties checkbox is cleared.
The Logix Designer project uses the Ladder Logic programming language.
When project edits are made at one workstation, the content in the Rung Comments sections for the project rungs is briefly hidden in all of the other workstations in the environment.

When rung edits are finalized on the workstation that is making edits, the content in the Rung Comments sections for the project rungs reappears in the in all of the other workstations in the environment.

To work around this anomaly, configure the Logix Designer project so that the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties checkbox is checked.

ALMA and ALMD Instructions in Logix Designer

CORRECTED with Firmware Revision 24.011

Studio 5000 Logix Designer Version 24.00

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 21.011

Catalog Numbers:

Even though controllers that use firmware revision 21.011 or later can use ALMA and ALMD instructions, FactoryTalk View Studio SE software, versions 6 and 7, cannot connect to a Logix Designer application that uses firmware revision 21.011 or later and uses ALMA or ALMD instructions.

IMPORTANT: This anomaly applies to the use of ALMA and ALMD instructions only. Tag-based alarming systems that use FactoryTalk Alarms and Events functionality work as expected.

IMPORTANT: This anomaly applies to the use of ALMA and ALMD instruction only. Tag-based alarming systems that use FactoryTalk Alarms and Events functionality work as expected with FactoryTalk View Studio SE software, version 6.

Fatal error when converting a project to a newer major revision (1476922)]]]
A fatal error sometimes occurs when converting a project to a newer major revision where issues exist in the ChangeLog.
To work around this issue, export from the older project to a .L5K or .L5X file and import the project to a newer major revision to avoid the fatal error.
This anomaly first identified in version 16.00.

Error when attempting to run a trend (1435208)

The Logix Designer application is unable to run a trend in v29 or earlier after switching communication software from RSLinx Classic to FactoryTalk Linx in another instance of the Logix Designer application v31 and later on the same workstation.

Once a trend is run in the Logix Designer application v31 and later, using FactoryTalk Linx as the communication software, you will receive this error message if you then attempt to run a trend in the Logix Designer application v29 or earlier on the same workstation:

Error: <trend name> - : Can’t open the specified RSLinx driver.

For more information, refer to the technical note BF23206.

This anomaly first identified in version 20.00.

Corrected: Logix Firmware/Studio 5000 Software 21.011

Log On to FactoryTalk Dialog Box Displays When Launching RSLogix 5000 (00124955)

Known Anomaly First Identified as of:

When launching RSLogix™ 5000 software, the Log On to FactoryTalk® dialog box can display. This dialog box can be seen when you do not have Administrator privileges on the personal computer and the current user does not exist in the FactoryTalk directory. If this dialog box is canceled, the RSLogix 5000 software is not launched. When the dialog box is displayed, entering the credentials for a user that has Administrator privileges on the personal computer allows RSLogix 5000 software to be launched.

To avoid seeing this dialog box, you can add the current user or user group to the FactoryTalk directory. Follow these steps to add a user or user group to the FactoryTalk directory.

  1. Launch the FactoryTalk Administration Console (available from the Start menu).
  2. Select the Network directory when prompted.

(In some cases, to continue, you need to provide credentials for a user with Administrator privileges.)

  1. To allow access for a particular user, navigate to Network\System\Users and Groups\Users, right-click the Users folder and choose New>Windows Linked User.
  2. Click Add and provide the domain\logon name for the desired user.

(You can click Check Names to verify that the name was found.)

  1. To allow access for all authenticated users, navigate to Network\System\Users and Groups\User Groups, right-click the User Groups folder and choose New>Windows Linked User Group.
  2. Click Add and type the name of the user group, Authenticated Users.

The Log On to FactoryTalk dialog box can also be displayed when you are using Remote Desktop to connect to the personal computer running RSLogix 5000 software.

This dialog box appears because FactoryTalk Security does not recognize the computer name. To enable access through Remote Desktop for a specific computer, you must add the name of the computer initiating the Remote Desktop connection to the Network\System\Computers and Groups\Computers folder in the FactoryTalk Administration Console.

To allow all computers to connect, follow these steps.

  1. Open the FactoryTalk Administration Console and log in to the Network directory with your domain credentials.
  2. Navigate to Network\System\Security Policy. In the Computer Policy Settings section, set Identify terminal server clients with the name of to Server Computer.

IMPORTANT: If Use single sign-on is set to disable in FactoryTalk software, then the Log On to FactoryTalk dialog box is displayed each time RSLogix 5000 software is launched. When this is launched, proper user credentials must be entered to continue. (By default, ‘Use single sign-on’ is set to enable.)

Modification of Add-On Instruction change date containing embedded UDT (Lgx0136323)


Studio 5000 Logix Designer 21.00

An anomaly is present for tracking the change date of an Add-On Instruction that contains a user-defined data type (UDT). In Prior releases, when this embedded UDT had a modification of the UDT name, the Add-On Instruction it was embedded in would update its change date. In this current release, this has been noted to account for changes in individual members within the UDT as well as the description or comments for each member of the UDT. Now for any modification of the embedded UDT, the Add-On Instruction change date will reflect this modification and update its change date value. This anomaly is limited to the first nested layer of a UDT only. If a nested UDT is modified, then this modification will not be captured as a change date for the Add-On Instruction at this time.

Project documentation and extended properties FBD and SFC programs


Studio 5000 Logix Designer 21.00

IMPORTANT: This restriction exists only in environments that use multi-workstation development.

If you are using multi-workstation development, we strongly recommend that you configure the Logix Designer application project to include all project documentation and extended properties when downloading a project to the controller. This configuration setting is the default setting.

A Logix Designer project can lose content from the text boxes for routines written in either Function Block Diagram (FBD) or Sequential Function Chart (SFC) programming languages when both of the following conditions exist:

When project edits are made at one workstation, the content in the text boxes of edited routines are deleted from all of the other workstations in the environment.

To work around this restriction, configure the Logix Designer project so that the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties check box is selected.

IMPORTANT: Consider the following:


Project documentation and extended properties Ladder programs


Studio 5000 Logix Designer 21.00

IMPORTANT: This restriction exists only in environments that use multi-workstation development.

If you are using multi-workstation development, we strongly recommend that you configure the Logix Designer application project to include all project documentation and extended properties when downloading a project to the controller.

A Logix Designer project can temporarily lose content in the Rung Comments sections when all of the following conditions exist:

When project edits are made at one workstation, the content in the Rung Comments sections for the project rungs is briefly hidden in all of the other workstations in the environment.

When rung edits are finalized on the workstation that is making edits, the content in the Rung Comments sections for the project rungs reappears in all of the other workstations in the environment.

To work around this anomaly, configure the Logix Designer project so that the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties check box is selected.

CIP-Axis effective resolution can get negative number (Lgx00136012)

Corrected Anomaly with Studio 5000 Logix Designer 24.01

On CIP-axis:

the associated Feedback attributes, (in Offline Configuration of Feedback Device) are:   

You can edit or enter these attributes in Offline Configuration of Feedback Device:

Revision |    values     |    Res      *    Interp     | =  effective
V18.00   | Defaults     |   1024     *    2048       |=  2097152          StartUp=[Incremental]
V18.00    | by hand     |   1024     *   2097152  | = 2147483648  
V18.00    | by hand     |   131072 *   10000000 | = 10240000000   (7 0's)

Revision  |    values     |    Res      *    Interp     | =  effective
V19.01    | Defaults     |   1024     *    2048       |=  2097152          StartUp=[Absolute]
V19.01    | by hand     |   1024     *   2097152   | = -2147483648    
V19.00    | by hand     |   131072 *   10000000 | = -2071986176   (7 0's)

Fatal Error 0xe0434352 when creating, opening, or interacting with a module’s properties after installing a later version of the Studio 5000 Logix Designer application or after installing a new Add-on Profile (3219935)

Fatal Error 0xe0434352 occurs on creating, opening, or viewing of profiles updated with a web-based interface, including 1756 Ethernet modules, 5069 Ethernet Adapters, 5094 Ethernet adapters, 1734 Ethernet Adapters, and 1756 I/O.

This fatal error could occur after an installation of the Studio 5000 Logix Designer application or a stand-alone Add-On Profile (AOP), which causes an upgrade to all module profiles.

The fix for this anomaly is available in the Add-on Profiles update for the 1756 Analog Modules, v40.14.70. The Add-on Profiles can be downloaded from the Product Compatibility and Download Center. For more information on this anomaly and the solution, please see technote ID BF30201

This anomaly corrected in v36.01.

This anomaly first identified in v20.05.


Stopping coordinated motion taking longer than expected (Lgx00133127)

Corrected Anomaly with Logix Designer v24.01

In RSLogix 5000 software, version 20.xx.xx, stopping coordinated motion using a Motion Coordinated Stop (MCS) All instruction could take longer than expected if the following conditions existed:

The MCS All instruction is executed when the coordinate motion instruction is accelerating, decelerating, or blending with another instruction.

The duration of the acceleration or deceleration is very short, for example, ten coarse update periods or fewer.

The configured maximum deceleration of any axis in the coordinate system is significantly lower, for example, 50% or less, than programmed maximum deceleration of the MCS instruction.

This anomaly first identified in version 21.00.

Output data remains high for inhibited modules during testing (Lgx00177604)

Corrected Anomaly with Studio 5000 Logix Designer v29.00

Output data remains high for inhibited modules during testing.
This anomaly first identified in version 20.01.02.

FactoryTalk AssetCentre error caused by the Logix Designer application (961951, Lgx00225888)

The following error will appear in FactoryTalk AssetCentre: "ExtErr: Could not CoCreate RSLogix5000Services. Please re-install Logix5000." 

This anomaly is caused by a component of the Logix Designer application, RSLogix5000Services.exe, experiencing a fatal error during the compare operation. (View this error in the Windows Event Logs).

While the error in FactoryTalk AssetCentre can affect all asset versions, the version of software causing the error will be apparent in the Windows Event Logs.

This anomaly first identified in version 20.04.

Please refer to Knowledgebase document 1129799 for more information.

Disable Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties features

To include or exclude project documentation and extended properties from a downloaded project, select or clear the

RSLogix 5000 Clock Update tool does not work properly on 64-bit Windows 7 (Lgx00124864)

The RSLogix 5000 Clock Update tool does not work properly when it is installed on a 64-bit Windows 7 operating system and executed.

Fatal error can occur when an RLL rung is edited using ASCII Editor offline (1244044)

When the ASCII Editor is used to edit a rung where previously an online pending delete rung edit was accepted offline for the same rung, a fatal error occurs.

This anomaly first identified in version 20.00.


Index entries with multiple targets do not show correct title

In double-byte languages .chm type help files, if you double-click an index entry that points to multiple topics, the topic heading shows the word "untitled" instead of the actual name of the topic.

This anomaly first identified in version 21.00.


Error message show in English for 8 local languages in version 21 and later of Logix Designer application (Lgx00134215...)

Some context menus, pop ups, and error messages are showing in English in 8 local languages for version 21 and later of the Logix Designer application.

Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Language Pack is required to show the localized resources for the components developed by .NET for supported languages of the Logix Designer application v21 and later. You need to download and install Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Language Pack or later on the computer in which the Logix Designer application local language is installed. (Lgx00134215, Lgx00134268, Lgx00134269, Lgx00134270, Lgx00134271, Lgx00134292, Lgx00134222, Lgx00134263, Lgx00134272, Lgx00134273, Lgx00134275, Lgx00134290, Lgx00135196, Lgx00135198, Lgx00135219, Lgx00135223, Lgx00135253, Lgx00135216, Lgx00135218, Lgx00135259)

This anomaly first identified in version 21.00


Compatibility with Windows 7 operating systems (Lgx00111504)

Although RSLogix 5000 software versions earlier than version 19 can be installed, they are not supported on Windows 7 operating systems. Also note that some applications and tools cannot be installed on a 64-bit Windows 7 operating system. Most notably, RSLogix 5000 software version 12 and earlier cannot be installed on a 64-bit Windows 7 operating system. 

This anomaly first identified in version 21.00.

No indication a control has focus in Properties dialog box (Lgx00113166)

On some properties dialog boxes, there is no indicator shown when a control has focus. A workaround to display focus indicators is to select the Windows 7 setting to Underline keyboard shortcuts and access keys. Access this setting by using Personalize>Ease of Access Center>Make the keyboard easier to use>Underline keyboard shortcuts and access keys.

This anomaly first identified in version 21.00.


Displaying secondary Help window causes blank primary window (Lgx00039239)

If you have a primary help window displayed and you open a Help topic that displays a secondary window, the primary window sometimes becomes blank. This is the result of an anomaly with the Windows Help compiler. To display the original topic, select Help Topics and re-select the original topic.

This anomaly first identified in version 21.00.

Error accessing motion module properties after import (Lgx00028541)

The export format for the 1756-M02AE catalog number was corrected in version 9.00. If you manually edit an .L5K file for a release earlier than version 9.00 and change the catalog number, it will not import correctly. A fatal error will occur when you access the module properties.

This anomaly first identified in version 21.00.

Output cam execution targets not converted (Lgx00025982)

In earlier versions of RSLogix 5000 software that supported output cam functionality, the default number of execution targets supported per axis was set to four and you could not modify the number. When downloaded to a controller, enough memory was reserved for four execution targets, even if only one was used. An Output Cam Execution Targets field has been added to the Axis Properties dialog box that allows you to set the needed number of execution targets.

If you have routines with Motion Arm Output Cam (MAOC) instructions created in versions of RSLogix 5000 software earlier than version 9.00 and you convert them, the MAOC instructions will not operate unless the associated axis tag is manually corrected. The conversion of the earlier version instructions set the execution targets for the axis tag to zero, which will cause the MAOC instructions to error when executed. To correct the problem, access the Axis Properties dialog box General tab for the axis tag and set the Output Cam Execution Targets value to the correct number for your application.

This anomaly first identified in version 21.00.

FactoryTalk Alarms and Events systems that use ALMA and ALMD instructions

You cannot link a FactoryTalk View Studio SE software, version 6, to a Logix Designer applications that use ALMA or ALMD instructions. You must upgrade your FactoryTalk View Studio SE software to version 7 to link that application to a Logix Designer application that uses the ALMA or ALMD instructions.

This anomaly applies to the use of ALMA and ALMD instruction only. Tag-based alarming systems that use FactoryTalk Alarms and Events functionality work as expected with FactoryTalk View Studio SE software, version 6.

Note the following:

This anomaly first identified in version 21.00.


Unable to enable security with SetSecKeys tool earlier than version 18 (Lgx00107466)

The SetSecKeys tool included with RSLogix 5000 software version 17 and earlier do not work with User Account Control (UAC) turned on. When a SetSecKeys tool earlier than file version is executed with UAC turned on, security appears to be enabled. However, security remains disabled in Logix Designer application.

If a version of SetSecKeys earlier than file version is used inadvertently, SetSecKeys file versions and later can still be used to enable security. (Note that depending on the operating system, the file version of SetSecKeys.exe can be viewed on either the Details tab or the Version tab of the File Properties dialog box.)

This anomaly first identified in version 21.00.

FactoryTalk Alarms and Events systems that use ALMA and ALMD instructions

You cannot link a FactoryTalk View Studio SE software, version 6, to a Logix Designer applications that use ALMA or ALMD instructions. You must upgrade your FactoryTalk View Studio SE software to version 7 to link that application to a Logix Designer application that uses the ALMA or ALMD instructions.

This anomaly applies to the use of ALMA and ALMD instruction only. Tag-based alarming systems that use FactoryTalk Alarms and Events functionality work as expected with FactoryTalk View Studio SE software, version 6.

Note the following:

This anomaly first identified in version 21.00.


Security option for Motion: Modify Configuration allows modification on module properties (Lgx00055583)

With the security action Motion: Modify Configuration not granted, you are prevented from modifying motion configuration. You are prevented from changing axis association to a module from the Axis Properties dialog box. However, you are erroneously allowed to make this change from the Module Properties dialog box.

To secure the axis association configuration on the Module Properties dialog box, deny access for the security action Module: Modify Properties. This will secure all of the tabs of the Module Properties dialog box, including the Axis Association tab.

This anomaly first identified in version 21.00.


New EDS file not displayed (Lgx00124959)

When a new EDS file is registered from outside the Logix Designer application, when the Logix Designer application is not running and RSLinx Classic software is running as an application (as opposed to as a service), then the newly registered device will not be available in the Select Module Type dialog box. The newly registered device will be available in the Select Module Type dialog box if you you exit the Logix Designer application and shut down the RSLinx Classic application before you register a new EDS file from outside the Logix Designer application.

The newly registered device will also display in the Select Module Type dialog box when you registered the device from within the Logix Designer application (such as when you use the Tools>EDS Hardware Installation Tool menu). If the registered module is not displayed in the Select Module Type dialog box, you can use the Tools>EDS Hardware Installation Tool menu to register the device again.

This anomaly first identified in version 21.00.

Unexplained motion (1090045)

Unexplained motion possibly caused by the application not recognizing the motion database which could cause the motion configuration to change.

This anomaly first identified in version 12.00.
Add-On Instruction tag members copied incorrectly (Lgx00217794)

Some PlantPAx P_PIDE Add-On Instruction instance values were set to denormalized low REAL values upon import of a P_PIDE 4.00.00 Add-On Instruction into a project that contained a P_PIDE 3.5.xx Add-On Instruction.

This anomaly first identified in version 18.00.

Invalid Add-On Instruction after upload - multi-dimensioned Add-On Instruction parameter tag (Lgx00224252)

After an Add-On Instruction was downloaded, uploading the project caused one of the Add-On Instruction's multi-dimensioned array parameter tag to become invalid. The Logix Designer application generated the error: USER_CONTROL, op errand 1: Invalid size of array. Argument must match number of dimensions.

This anomaly first identified in version 20.04.

BOOL tags did not retain value (Lgx00226143)

After changing a BOOL tag value to Decimal, and then saving, closing, and reopening the project file, the value had reset to Float. A BOOL tag reset to Float disabled manual changing of the value between 0 and 1.

This anomaly first identified in version 20.00.

Fatal error converting v20 project (Lgx00200539)

Trying to upgrade the project in the Controller Properties dialog box, from v20.00.00 to v30.00.00, maintaining the same controller, causes a fatal error.

This anomaly first identified in v20.01.

Export Add-On Instruction fails to parse on import (Lgx00200761)

Attempting to import some Add-On Instructions into an existing project generates the error message: Failed to import <file name>. Unable to parse the L5X content.

This anomaly first identified in version 17.00.

To work around this issue, export the Add-On Instruction, modify the file description to remove dashes. Or, open the L5X file in a plain text editor and modify the description to remove dashes. Import the Add-On Instruction.

Update Studio 5000 Logix Designer to support MSXML for DfS compliance (Lgx00193996)

The Logix Designer application has been upgraded to a version of MSXML that is supported by Microsoft.

This anomaly first identified in version 20.01.

Changing an Add-On Instruction alias parameter to a base tag can result in unexpected tag values (Lgx00214079, Lgx00217794)

This sequence of events can result in unexpected tag values:

1. An Add-On Instruction contains an alias parameter that points to a member of a local tag.

2. The alias parameter is changed to a base tag, either by editing the AOI definition directly or by importing a modified Add-On Instruction that overwrites the existing Add-On Instruction.

3. The instance values for the previously aliased parameters now contains unexpected values.

This anomaly first identified in version 18.00.

Follow one of these steps to work around the issue:

Installing v30.00 or the v30.00 AOP Bundle and adding ENBT, ENT2T, or EN2TR modules causes fatal error (Lgx00210565)

After installing version 30.00 or the version 30.00 AOP Bundle, adding an ENBT, ENT2T or EN2TR module causes a fatal error.

This anomaly first identified in version 20.00.

Cross Reference function causes fatal error (Lgx00209066)

Attempting to search a tag’s cross-reference multiple times may cause the software to crash.

This anomaly first identified in version 20.04.

The Logix Designer application stopped performing after multiple cross reference tasks (Lgx00208988)

After performing multiple cross reference tasks and closing the window after tasks, the Logix Designer application stopped performing with error 0xc0000005.

This anomaly first identified in version 20.01.

Adding a new case selection in a Structured Text routine (Lgx00166840)

Adding a new case selection in a Structured Text routine can cause the Logix Designer application to shut down.

This anomaly first identified in version 20.03.

Output Cam editor with UDT alias causes a crash when you click Apply (Lgx00161890)

When using the Output CAM Editor to make changes to an Output CAM that contains an Alias Tag, you will get a fatal error when you click Apply within the editor. The work around is to use the direct address for the Output CAM operand of the MAOC rather than the alias tag.

This anomaly first identified in version 20.01.

Undefined Tag error (Lgx00190787)

Undefined Tag error displays when spaces are used between commas in the Ladder Editor. Spaces between commas are no longer needed.

This anomaly first identified in version 20.04.02.

L5X file type allows spaces in Alias Tag name (Lgx00155383)

A tag name in an L5X file that contained spaces was imported and opened in a project. A space is not permitted in tag names and spaces cannot be entered in tag names in the Tag Editor.
This anomaly first identified in version 21.03.02.


Failed to create module library, not registered (Lgx00203463)

Failed to create module library in a project that uses the 1768-L45 controller. The 1768-L45 controller is no longer a supported controller.
This anomaly first identified in version 20.04.02.


Vendor specific error code (Lgx00137897)

When the controller attempts to open a connection with a 3rd-party device on EtherNet/IP, it causes the device to return a vendor specific error (0x01, 0x320). This error code is interpreted incorrectly in the Logix Designer application Module Properties dialog box, Connection tab.
This anomaly first identified in version 20.01.02.

Allow Unicast Consumer Connections check box (Lgx00159102)

When offline in the Logix Designer application, the Allow Unicast Consumer Connections check box clears or resets itself when changing the Max Consumers value of a safety product tag for the 1756-L73S/A controller, firmware version 20.01.00. This does not occur when modifying a standard product tag.
This anomaly first identified in version 20.01.02.

Recent projects overridden (Lgx00197976)

When opening a project in Studio 5000 Logix Designer, all Studio 5000 Logix Designer and RSLogix 5000 recent projects are overridden by the most recent saved project.
This anomaly first identified in version 21.03.02.


GCC Compile Error occurs when project contains ALMA instructions in FBD routine (Lgx00137675)

Corrected Anomaly with Studio 5000 Logix Designer v29.00

A GCC Compile Error occurs when you download a project that contains an ALMA instructions in FBD routine.
This anomaly first identified in version 21.00.03.

Remove Alarm Buffer object from GSV/SSV instructions (Lgx00138886)

Corrected Anomaly with Studio 5000 Logix Designer v29.00

Remove the Alarm Buffer object from the GSV/SSV instructions. (Lgx00138886)

This anomaly first identified in version 21.00.03.

Enhanced Cam Editor not fully disabled even when Maintain Project permission has been denied (Lgx00029563)

Corrected Anomaly with Studio 5000 Logix Designer v29.00

The Enhanced Cam Editor is not fully disabled even when Maintain Project permission has been denied for the user.

This anomaly first identified in version 11.16.00.

Firmware cannot be updated after licensed connection key has been revoked (Lgx00168994, Lgx00169634, Lgx00156630)

Corrected Anomaly with Studio 5000 Logix Designer v29.00

When the controller contains firmware that has revoked the licensed connection key for older revisions of software, those older revisions of software cannot establish a connection with the controller in order to flash the controller back to a compatible revision of firmware.

This anomaly first identified in version 21.00.03.

Safety modules fail to instantiate after installation of Ethernet module AOP profile 10.00.3664 (Lgx00170167)

Corrected Anomaly with Studio 5000 Logix Designer v29.00

After installing Ethernet module AOP profile 10.00.3664, safety modules fail to instantiate.
This anomaly first identified in version 17.01.01.

Tool tip for undefined tag in Ladder Editor needs improvement (Lgx00176367)

Corrected Anomaly with Studio 5000 Logix Designer v29.00

The tool tip for an undefined tag in the Ladder Editor needs improvement.
This anomaly first identified in version 20.01.02.

Add instruction error code 111, "An Axis With Maximum Acceleration of Zero is Invalid" (Lgx00179479)

Corrected Anomaly with Studio 5000 Logix Designer v29.00

Add instruction error code 111, "An Axis With Maximum Acceleration of Zero is Invalid."
This anomaly first identified in version 21.00.03.

Two public parameters aliased to the same local program scoped tag (Lgx00175994)

Corrected Anomaly with Studio 5000 Logix Designer v29.00

When two public parameters are aliased to the same local program scoped tag, Logix cannot find the tag whose physical address is the tag that the second public parameter points to.
This anomaly first identified in version 21.00.03.

Tool tip for Dest FAL instruction indicates an undefined tag (Lgx00176367)

Corrected Anomaly with Studio 5000 Logix Designer v29.00

The tool tip for the Dest FAL instruction indicates an undefined tag.
This anomaly first identified in version 20.01.02.

Safety Lock LED sometimes fails to show correct status after you restore project from SD card (Lgx00178417)

Corrected Anomaly with Studio 5000 Logix Designer v29.00

The Safety Lock LED sometimes fails to show the correct status after you restore a project from the SD card.
This anomaly first identified in version 20.01.02.

The Logix Designer application crashes after multiple cross references (Lgx00208989)

Logix Designer crashes with the error 0xc0000005 after selecting Go to Cross Reference and then closing the open window more than three times.

This anomaly first identified in version 21.03.


Direct Add-on-Profile-to-Device Communication Could Result in Time Out Errors or Communication Routing to the Wrong Device (1927272)

Direct Add-on-Profile-to-device communication could result in time out errors or routing the communication to the wrong device in circumstances where all of the following conditions are met:

This applies to configuration data that goes through unconnected communication to the target I/O device (for instance, uploading/downloading device parameters).

This does not apply to I/O data.

This does not apply to commands from the controller (for instance, inhibiting/uninhibiting a device).

Please see technote BF28941 for additional details.

This anomaly first identified in version 20.00.


Module Info B tab empty (1815893)

An anomaly in the AOP core (v26.32.51.0) installed with v34.00 Studio5000 Logix Designer prevents redundant 1715-AENTR and 1715 IO modules Module Info B tab from displaying information while online. 

Consider these work arounds:

This anomaly first identified in version 20.05.

Mismatching display resolution and scaling may result in overlapping SFC elements (2122642)

Editing a Sequential Function Chart (SFC)) using a display with a given resolution (for example, 1920 x 1200) and Windows scale setting (for example, 100%), closing the ACD, and then opening the same ACD in another resolution (for example, 3840 x 2160) and Windows scale setting (for example, 150%) may result in overlapping SFC elements.

Application Notes

This release has the following application notes.

Application Notes v23

Logix Designer 23.x

The following information is provided to help you better understand the behavior of the Logix Designer application in other applications or under certain circumstances.

Compatibility with McAfee Host Intrusion application

When you run Logix Designer application, version 23, with McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention, the Logix Designer application may terminate after running for approximately two minutes.

If this issue occurs, please contact Rockwell Automation Technical Support.

Required to re-register EDS files after upgrading to version 20 or later of the application

If the product described by the EDS file is to be used in the I/O configuration using EDS AOP, any EDS files that have been registered for RSLogix 5000 software version 19 and earlier must be re-registered after the installation of RSLogix 5000 software version 20 or later.

Resources cannot be found in the Online Books section of the Start Page

The Release History and Vendor Sample Project .pdf file will not display until http://localhost is added to the list of Trusted Sites in Internet Explorer.

Application crashes after importing the 1734-IB8 module

If you import the 1734-IB8 module into version 15 and later of the application, the application crashes. The workaround is to not import the 1734-IB8 module into the application. (x122918)

OpenRSLogix5000 command generates an error when trying to select Routine name

When you select a routine using the OpenRSLogix5000 command in FactoryTalk View, an error displays that tells you that RSLogix 5000 is not installed. To fix this issue, contact Technical Support to obtain a new revision directory dll.

Opening or creating data types causes the application to crash with older version of FTA

If FactoryTalk Activation version 4.0 or earlier is installed on your computer, opening or creating data types from the Controller Organizer causes the Logix Designer application to crash. To prevent this from happening, use FactoryTalk Activation version 4.1 or later with Logix Designer application version 21 or later.

Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties

Your Logix Designer application project does not download in the following conditions:

To work around this restriction, check the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties check box when configuring the project.

Download duration is slow for certain projects

Storing your project comments and tag descriptions in the controller increases upload/download times.

Be aware of the following:

To work around this restriction, clear the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties check box when downloading the project.

IMPORTANT: Be aware that a restriction applies to clearing the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties check box in a multi-workstation development application. (x135928)

Fatal error occurs when attempt to go online with the controller

A false time stamp in the controller caused a fatal error to occur when you attempt to go online with the controller. Additionally, the application is not processing dates that are out of range when attempting to convert them to string format, which causes the application to crash. 

Use the following workaround to correct the controller's time stamp.

  1. Open the project ACD file.
  2. Select something other than the top node in the Controller Organizer. For example, click Unscheduled Programs.
  3. Go online with the controller. 
  4. Open the Controller Properties Date/Time tab. The Date and Time shows as ??.
  5. Click Set Date, Time and Zone from Workstation.

Use the following workaround to correct the out of range dates.

  1. Perform the workaround for the controller's time stamp first (see above).

It is critical to get the controller's time fixed. Otherwise, any new faults that are generated also have false time stamps and cause the controller to crash.

  1. From the Communication menu, choose Clear Faults (if any).

This clears any major faults that exist. DO NOT attempt to do this from the Major Faults tab of the Controller Properties dialog box.

  1. Purge all existing minor faults by generating new ones so that the older false times faults are dropped.

DO NOT attempt to clear minor faults from the Minor Faults tab of the Controller Properties dialog box.

  1. To create minor faults, add a new rung online to an existing running routine.
  2. Test edits on the new rung to generate several minor faults.
  3. Untest edits.
  4. Go to the Controller Properties dial box - Minor Faults tab and clear the minor faults.

At this point, the controller's time stamp should be corrected and all faults that captured false time stamps should be cleared or purged.

Note that there is also the option to remove the batteries and power cycle the controllers. This resets the controller's time stamp back to Jan. 1, 1998. This solution requires you to take the controller offline.

Rockwell Automation suggests that you investigate how the controller's time is getting a false value so that the problem does not repeat itself. (x135741)

Indirect addressing within Add-On Instruction logic

If your project uses indirect addressing in an Add-On Instruction, you need to be aware of two compatibility items when using RSLogix 5000 software version 20.01 and Logix5000 controller firmware revision 20.012.

First, you should consider RSLogix 5000 software version 20.01 and Logix5000 controller firmware revision 20.012 to be lock stepped. This means that you should not use the following:

EvRSI replaced by FactoryTalk Activation Manager

Beginning with RSLogix 5000 software version 20, EvRSI activation has been replaced by the FactoryTalk Activation Manager utility. EvRSI activation will not be able to activate the Logix Designer application. If you are using EvRSI activation, please contact your local Rockwell Automation Sales office or Rockwell Automation Services & Support for information on migrating your activations to FactoryTalk Activation.

1769-L2y controllers cannot be properly configured

For 1769-L2y controller types, which were released in RSLogix 5000 software version 20, the Embedded Counters module cannot be properly configured for Pulse External Direction. This anomaly was corrected in version 20.01. 1769-L2y controllers can be properly configured by using the Logix Designer application. However, 1769-L2y projects created by using RSLogix 5000 software version 20.00 continue to be configured incorrectly.

To correct the configuration, the controller must be recreated in the Logix Designer application. A convenient way to do this import is to use the File > Import Component feature of the Logix Designer application to import your logic from the version 20.00 project to the new version project. This affects the following controller types:

Out-of-Box CIP Axis Position Loop Gain values adjusted with Load Observer

With the introduction of the CIP Motion Load Observer enhancement in version 19 of RSLogix 5000 software, the out-of-box calculations for several CIP Axis attributes were impacted. In particular, the Position Loop Bandwidth attribute and the Position Error Tolerance attribute are automatically adjusted when the Load Coupling is changed from Rigid to Compliant and Use Load Ratio is enabled.

When a change to the Load Coupling is applied, the out-of-box Position Loop Bandwidth is reduced by 90% and the out-of-box Position Error Tolerance is increased by 90%. This has the effect of loosening the out-of-box Position Gains so that the Motion Load Observer loop response can be tightened.

Time Synchronization replaces CST Time Mastership

RSLogix 5000 software version 18 has replaced the concept of Coordinated System Time (CST) Mastership with the more comprehensive notion of Time Synchronization, also referred to as CIP Sync Time Coordination. The Date/Time page of the controller properties has been modified to reflect this change.

For projects created with RSLogix 5000 software version 17 or earlier, if Coordinated System Time Master (CST) is enabled, then the converted project has the Time Synchronization setting enabled. For more information about time synchronization using CIP Sync Time Coordination, refer to the Integrated Architecture and CIP Sync Configuration Application Technique, publication IA-AT003.

Attribute Value not Settable reported using AutoFLASH from Logix firmware revision 20 to an earlier revision

When attempting to download a project by using RSLogix 5000 software version 19 or earlier, if the controller firmware is at revision 20 or later and the controller is in Remote Run mode, then the version 19 software is not able to change the controller mode in order to AutoFLASH the controller with revision 19 firmware. In this case, the controller mode must be changed either by using the keyswitch or by using version 20 or later of the application. (x123924)

CIP Generic writes to controller objects that originate from another controller failing

In RSLogix 5000 software version 20, there are enhanced security restrictions to controller CIP objects. Because of this, some CIP Generic messages that are used to write directly to controller object attributes sometimes do not function. Any CIP generic object write that originates external to the controller sometimes fail in version 20 or later of the application. CIP Generic writes that are executed in the controller’s own user program operate normally.

Security permissions changed for program creation

In version 17 of RSLogix 5000 software, the FactoryTalk Security permissions required for creating scheduled programs have changed slightly. As before, to create an unscheduled program, you need permission for the Program: Create action. To create a program scheduled in a task, however, you now need permission for both the Program: Create and the Task: Modify Properties actions. To create a program scheduled in the Power-Up Handler or Controller Fault Handler, you now need permission for both the Program: Create and the Controller: Modify Properties actions. (x77816, x77817)

Testing SFC online edits no longer always requires chart to reset

With RSLogix 5000 software version 17 and earlier, when performing online editing operations in a Sequential Function Chart (SFC), switching the executing logic from the original programming to the test edits version (or vice versa) resets the chart to the initial step and resets all stored actions. Beginning with version 18.00 of RSLogix 5000 software, many SFC online edits no longer result in this reset. In general, only edits that alter the logic structure of the chart require the SFC routine to be reset.

In cases when a reset is required, you can force the transition with the initial step to false, wait for the routine to execute to the initial step, and then perform the test/un-test operation followed by removal of the force. Also, you can leverage the SFC Reset (SFR) instruction to reposition the chart back to the desired step. (x36331, x43482)

Cannot create, view, or edit modules based on Classic Profile after McAfee QuickClean

McAfee virus software version 8.0 ships with a Quick Registry Cleaner component that cleans the registry on a periodic basis. Upon cleaning the registry, the McAfee software removes all existence of the application's classic profiles from the registry. Once this has occurred, you can no longer create, view, or edit any classic profile based module.

This anomaly prevents the creation and importing of projects. When this condition is encountered, it is necessary to uninstall and reinstall the application. A way to avoid the anomaly is to remove the registry cleaner from any QuickClean manual and scheduled scans or delete all scheduled QuickClean tasks from the McAfee SecurityCenter UI. (x81691)

L5X file list not filtered on Windows 7 operating system

When performing a Partial Import online, the list of files displayed on the Import dialog box is filtered to show only files of the selected component type (for example, program, routine, data type, equipment phase). This filtering is not supported by the Windows 7 operating system. The Import dialog box shows all .L5X format files when running the Logix Designer application on a Windows 7 operating system. The icon and ToolTip for the component file identify the file type. (x105789, x112515, x113267)

Adobe Reader error selecting Online Books from the Tools menu

After installing RSLogix 5000 software version 19, you may see the Tools>Online Books menu item. If this menu item is selected, Adobe Reader reports that "This file cannot be found." This error occurs when using version 19 or later of the application if RSLogix 5000 software version 18 had also been installed on the same personal computer.

The Online Books installed with version 18 software were accessed by using the Custom Tools Menu (Tools>Online Books). The Online Books installed with version 19 and later access the Online Books by using the Start Page Resource Center. With version 19 installed, the Custom Tools Menu item for version 18 Online Books remains on the Tools menu, but is no longer used. Once RSLogix 5000 software version 19 has been installed, the unused Online Books Custom Tools Menu item can be manually removed by:

  1. Choosing Tools>Custom Tools.
  2. In the Custom Tools dialog box, select Online Books.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Click OK to apply the change and close the dialog box. (x111895)

Unknown URL attempting to access Online Books or Vendor Sample Projects from Start Page

If your personal computer is not configured as part of a domain, you sometimes receive the error message "Unknown URL" when attempting to access Online Books or Vendor Sample Projects from the Start Page. This is the result of security enhancements to the Internet Explorer browser.

If Logix Designer application is installed by using the default installation path, the Online Books can be accessed from links provided in the file C:\Program Files\Rockwell Software\RSLogix 5000\Common\<language>\Docs\top level linking.pdf or C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockwell Software\RSLogix 5000\Common\<language>\Docs\top level linking.pdf, and the Vendor Sample Projects can be accessed from links provided in the file C:\RSLogix 5000\Projects\Samples\<language>\<version>\Third Party Products\Vendor Sample Projects.pdf or C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Studio 5000\Samples\<language>\<version>\Third Party Products\Vendor Sample Projects.pdf. Access to Online Books and Vendor Sample Projects can be allowed by adding localhost’to the allowed Local Internet sites. (x89165)

Help from 32-bit .hlp files is not displayed

The Windows Help (WinHlp32.exe) program is used to display Help that is provided in 32-bit .hlp files. The Microsoft Corporation stopped including this 32-bit Help file viewer in Windows releases beginning with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 operating systems. Version 18 and later of the application display Help in HTML format and does not require this Windows Help program. However, some module profiles may continue to display Help by using 32-bit .hlp files.

To properly display Help that is provided in 32-bit .hlp files on a Windows Vista or later operating system, you need to install the Windows Help program. This application is available for download from the Microsoft Download Center. For additional information on downloading and installing the Windows Help program, refer to the Microsoft Knowledgebase article I cannot open Help files that require the Windows Help (WinHlp32.exe).

Start Pages will not work if version 16.00 is installed after other versions

If version 16.00 of RSLogix 5000 software is installed after version 17.00 or later, the Start Pages fail to load and the message "Server Startup Failure physicalPath=…" is displayed. In order to restore Start Page functionality, it is necessary to re-install the version 17.00 or later. Note that this anomaly is not observed for version 16.03 and later. (x76424)

Function Block Diagram (FBD) ActiveX Faceplates not compatible with Windows Vista or later

The FBD ActiveX faceplates are not compatible with Microsoft Windows Vista or later operating systems. Instead, use FactoryTalk View SE/ME FBD Global Objects, available with FactoryTalk View SE/ME software version 5.1 or later.

Overflow checking improved for Immediate Operand values

In RSLogix 5000 software version 20, overflow checking for immediate operand values has been extended to all radix formats. Earlier versions of RSLogix 5000 software checked Octal values (that is, 8#nnn) for overflow into a 32-bit integer. Starting with RSLogix 5000 software version 20, immediate operand values of any integer-type radix (Hexadecimal, Decimal, Octal, or Binary) are checked for overflow into a 32-bit integer. The overflow conditions are indicated as errors during the verification process. (x116816)

First use of Drive profile when Add-On Profiles not installed requires media access

When a drive profile is first accessed, any user other than the user who installed the Drives Add-On Profiles version 4.02 or earlier needs access to the install media. When accessing the drive profile either by importing a project or by creating a drive in the I/O configuration tree, the user is prompted with the following: "Enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package „RADrives_PF7.msi”.” The user must then provide the path on the installation media to ...\ENU\MP\RADrives\RADrives_PF7.msi. These Add-On Profiles may have been installed either separately or as part of the installation of RSLogix 5000 software version 20.01. (x128249)

Manual Tune fields active when Servo disabled

In version 20 or later, the Manual Tune parameters are enabled and editable when online for either the On or Off setting for the Servo parameter of a CIP_AXIS_DRIVE axis type. (x122492)

Motion instruction error for Stop_All or MGS Active and Pending Motion instruction

A new motion instruction error has been incorporated in version 17 of RSLogix 5000 software: error code 78 - Not Allowed While Stopping. In addition, an expanded meaning has been incorporated for error code 7 - Shutdown State Error. These errors are generated whenever an MGS, MAS=All, or MCS=All is active and a second motion instruction is then executed in sequence while one of these is still active. The second instruction reports either an error 78 or an error 7. The user must allow the initial MGS, MAS=All, or MCS=All to complete before initiating another motion instruction. (x83819, x85559)

Kinetix 6000 S0 and S1 Safety Drive with Digital Inputs configuration

The hardwired digital inputs on the Kinetix 6000 S0 Enhanced Safe Torque-off Drive and S1 Advanced Safety Drive are now populated via 4 hardwired connections representing 7 selectable inputs. With the introduction of these profiles in version 17 of RSLogix 5000 software, users must develop application logic to map these inputs. This must be done via the MSG command, Read_IDN, Write_IDN to SERCOS Identification Number P-0-52, 53, 54, and 55. This data must be rewritten at each power-up of the SERCOS Ring. The user’s application must be written to make proper use of these digital inputs within the context of the associated motion instructions.

Event task names can conflict with Microsoft Windows Event names

Creation of an event task for a SoftLogix controller results in the creation of a Microsoft Windows event with the same name. Because Windows events are globally scoped among all applications running on the same workstation, names of the event tasks must be chosen carefully so as not to conflict with other Windows events.

Versions 18 and later require updates to Custom Motion Database

If you currently use a Custom RSLogix 5000 Motion Database in RSLogix 5000 software version 12 through 17, you need an updated motion database to work with versions 18 or later. The following table lists the motion database revisions that are used with these application versions.

* Before a Custom Motor can be used in version 18 or later, any Custom Motor currently in a motion database file at revision 5 or earlier (Motion.db format) must be converted to the newer Motion.mdb format.

To initiate the process of getting the database updated, please email your request to Please include any prior tech support case number if your current database includes non-Rockwell motors.

Version of Application
Motion Database Revision
9.22.0 [ Motion.mdb format ]
21.03 / 21.00
20.03 / 20.01
9.8.0 [ Motion.mdb format ]
8.12.0 [ Motion.mdb format ]
8.9.0 [ Motion.mdb format ]
19.01 / 19.00
7.5.0 [ Motion.mdb format ]
18.02 / 18.01 / 18.00
6.9.0 [ Motion.mdb format ]
17.01 / 17.00
5.3.0 [ * format ]
16.04 / 16.03 / 16.00
4.2.0 [ * format ]
15.03 / 15.02 / 15.01 / 15.00
3.24.0 [ * format ]
14.01 / 14.00
3.12.0 [ * format ]
13.04 / 13.03 / 13.02 / 13.01 / 13.00
3.12.0 [ * format ]
12.06 / 12.05 / 12.04 / 12.03 / 12.02 / 12.01 / 12.00
3.3.0 [ * format ]

Error sometimes displayed when attempting to print to Adobe PDF

When Adobe Reader 6.0 and Adobe Acrobat 6.0 or 7.0 are both installed on the same workstation, attempting to print reports from the Logix Designer application sometimes result in a dialog box being displayed with the message "Unable to find Adobe PDF resource files. Do you want to run the installer in repair mode?‟ This issue is documented in the Adobe Knowledgebase article, which also describes the recommended procedure for installing Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 and 7.0 on the same workstation.

A temporary workaround for printing reports is:

GSV of PositionFeedback1 attribute reports verification error

In version 20 and later, the PositionFeedback1 is now an integer value. When configuring a GSV of the PositionFeedback1 attribute, a destination tag value of type DINT is now required. (x123873)

Superimposed motion shifts path

Beginning with RSLogix 5000 software version 20, the superimposed motion behavior has changed. In Absolute mode, when Superimposed mode is programmed, the path is shifted by the superimposed motion, except for moves in the following conditions: (1) Sequence of moves using any termination type other than TT0 or TT1, (2) a merge, or (3) when the queue becomes empty.

This change allows for the capability of any path that is drawn on a table moving in either the X or Y direction as a result of superimposed motion to look exactly the same as if it were drawn on a stationary table. In RSLogix 5000 software version 19, the path was not shifted when Superimposed mode is programmed and this was not achievable. (x122482)

Enhancements to Motion Planner may affect motion profiles

The performance of the Rockwell Automation Integrated Motion’s motion planner has been improved in the controller firmware associated with version 16.03 of RSLogix 5000 software. As a consequence, there can be minor differences in the velocity profile and the path profiles in some blended and merged moves. The majority of these minor differences manifest themselves in velocity limited moves and in moves programmed using an S-curve velocity profile. There can also be minor differences in Trapezoidal velocity profiles. Please refer to the Motion Planner, Version 16.03 Application Solution, publication RA-AP031, for additional details.

Kinematics transformations, additional native geometry support compatibility issues

The Kinematics transformation motion control capabilities of ControlLogix that were introduced with firmware revision 16.20 (included with RSLogix 5000 software version 16.03) should only be used with version 16.03 or greater of the application. If RSLogix 5000 software version 16.00 is used to upload a project containing one of the four new native geometries from a controller flashed with revision 16.20 firmware or later, then any of these four non-supported geometries will be converted to the default Coordinate System Type of Cartesian. The message attribute list error is displayed during the download attempt of an RSLogix 5000 software version 16.03 project containing one of the four new native geometries to a controller flashed with a firmware revision earlier than revision 16.20. (x75769)

Version 17 installation does not automatically uninstall version 17 Beta versions

For users who have Beta software for version 17 of RSLogix 5000 software installed on their workstation, the version 17 install does not offer to uninstall any previous installations of version 17 software. Before installing the released version 17 software, it is necessary to first uninstall the version 17 Beta software using Add/Remove Programs.

Using Security with version 16 and CPR 7 FactoryTalk Network Directory Server

This applies only if you are using security with version 16 of RSLogix 5000 software. In order for CPR 7 FactoryTalk Network Directory clients to take advantage of new security actions added in version 16 of RSLogix 5000 software, a utility needs to be run on the CPR 7 FactoryTalk Network Directory Server. This utility is automatically run when version 16 of RSLogix 5000 software is installed.

However, if you are not installing version 16 of RSLogix 5000 software on the FactoryTalk Network Directory Server, it is strongly recommended that you run the utility manually on the server prior to installing or running version 16 of RSLogix 5000 software on other workstations. The utility, named UpdateActionsInSchema.exe, can be found in the System\SecuritySchemaUpdate\ directory on the RSLogix 5000 DVD. Note that upon execution, the utility provides further instructions.

SFCRESTART attribute removed for GSV/SSV

In version 16, the SFCRESTART attribute has been removed from the PROGRAM class for the GSV and SSV instructions. This attribute was not used in earlier versions of Logix5000, and reports a verification error if present.

Migrating to FactoryTalk Security (from RSI Security Server)

Existing RSI Security Server installations can be migrated to FactoryTalk Security. The FactoryTalk Security server is provided with the FactoryTalk Services Platform, which can be found on the DVD. See the FactoryTalk Security installation instructions for further migration information.

Removal of built-in action groups for Security

In version 16, the built-in action groups have been removed from RSLogix 5000 software (for example, Full Access, Maintain Project, Go Online, and View Project). If you are upgrading to RSLogix 5000 software version 16 and continue to use RSI Security Server for Logix security rather than migrating to FactoryTalk, a set of predefined action groups can be found in the RSLogix5000Security.bak file and are for use with version 16. These new action groups for the RSI Security Server are:

Tag Modify Properties required to update Configuration dialog boxes with Tag tab

When making changes to a configuration dialog box that contains a Tag tab, you sometimes see an error message indicating that Tag: Modify Properties is not granted. Allowed configuration changes to tabs other than the Tag tab are still committed, and this error can be ignored. (x72089)

FactoryTalk Security resource and action groups and FactoryTalk CPR 9 release

The release and update of FactoryTalk Security is independent of the release of the Logix Designer application. FactoryTalk Security in CPR 9 supports resource groups and action groups. This feature allows you to conveniently group resources, like ControlLogix controllers, and actions, like Tag Create, for easier security administration.

Ramp/Soak (RMPS) results appear to be in error

Due to the operation of single precision floating point arithmetic processing in the controller, intermediate results shown in the Soak time left of the Ramp/Soak (RMPS) instruction may appear to be inaccurate during the execution of the instruction. This does not cause improper execution of the instruction. (x72583)

Opening pre-version 17 project with Axis and Axis Performance Verification

Some motor parameter value settings have been changed in the version 17 Motion Database for the following motor types:

A project created in a version earlier than version 17 of RSLogix 5000 software that contains an AXIS_SERVO_DRIVE type axis configured with one of these motors will have its related axis parameters converted when opened in version 17 of RSLogix 5000 software. When this occurs, the following warning message is displayed: "Axis <tag_name> Warning: Parameters for the associated motor have changed, which may have caused changes to some axis parameters. Please verify the axis performance.”

When this warning is encountered, you should verify that the axis parameters pertaining to rated current are configured for proper axis operation. You should also validate that the axis is properly configured for your application. As an alternative, you can re-associate the motor to the axis, but in this case, all motor parameters are reset to default motion database values, canceling any previously tuned and saved non-default axis values.

File import of Axis with MPx motors and Axis Performance Verification

In the Motion Database earlier than version 16 of RSLogix 5000 software, the Maximum Rated Current (I-rated) value for certain MPF, MPG, MPL, and TL motors were defined with settings from 1% to 7% higher than rated. If a project created in version 15 or earlier contains an AXIS_SERVE_DRIVE type axis configured with one of these motors, then when this project is imported (.L5K format project file) into RSLogix 5000 software version 16, the following warning is generated: "Warning: During conversion of Axis <tag name> – Parameters for the associated motor have change, which may have caused changes to some axis parameters. Please verify the axis performance.‟

When this warning is encountered, you should verify that the Axis Parameters pertaining to Rated Current are configured for proper axis operation. As an alternative, you can re-associate the motor to the axis, but in this case, all motor parameters will be reset to default Motion database values, canceling many previously tuned and saved axis values.

This issue does not exist with database conversion of an .ACD format project file. The motors that are affected are:

LINT time stamp values not shown with FactoryTalk View SE Utility

A new 64-bit Long INTeger data type (LINT) was introduced in version 16 of RSLogix 5000 software. This data type is currently used only for date and time stamps for the analog and digital alarm instructions (ALMA and ALMD). In the CPR 9 release of FactoryTalk View SE, these LINT time stamp values can be seen only on the Alarm Summary, Alarm Banner, and Alarm Log. LINT time stamps cannot be seen on custom FactoryTalk View SE graphics. Support of LINT time stamp values on custom graphics will be added to a future release of FactoryTalk SE.

Controller time object changed in version 16

The Controller time object was modified in version 16 of RSLogix 5000 software to support future alarms and events functionality. Time stamps now use Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), also referred to as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If the logic in your application reads or sets the controller clock by using the GSV/SSV attribute DateTime, then this logic should be updated to use the new attribute LocalDateTime. You may also need to make other modifications to your application as a result of this change. (x72073, x72238)

Use new Clock Update Tool with Logix5000 version 16 and later

A Logix5000 Clock Update Tool is included on the DVD. Only revision 2.2.5 or later of this tool should be used with Logix5000 version 16 and later. Older revisions sometimes do not properly synchronize workstation time and controller time.

Firmware update required for 1734 and 1738 Ethernet Point adapters

When using a 1734-AENT or a 1738-AENT that is configured in one of the following two cases, you need to upgrade the firmware in the adapter module in order for both controllers to make a connection. The two scenarios are:

The required firmware for the 1734-AENT module is revision 2.003.4 or later, and the required firmware for the 1738-AENT module is revision 2.003.4 or later.

Non-Unicode character fonts

Rockwell Automation recommended that the Microsoft Windows operating system's Language for non-Unicode programs (System Locale) be configured to match the localized language. This is especially true for the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean editions. Not configuring the PC’s operating system's System Locale to match the language of the application sometimes results in the inability of the application to show certain fonts.

If the Microsoft Windows operating system is not configured with the recommended System Locale, a warning is displayed when the application is started. Clicking Change on this warning dialog box navigates to the operating system dialog box from which you can adjust the System Locale.

The System Locale can then be changed by selecting a new Language for non-Unicode programs (System Locale) on the Advanced tab of the Regional and Language Options (accessed from Microsoft Windows Control Panel). For example, if you are running the Chinese version of the application (9324-RLD300ZHE), you should select Chinese (PRC) for the System Locale.

CTree errors opening projects with McAfee VirusScan running

With McAfee VirusScan Enterprise Edition 7.1 running, unexpected CTree errors are sometimes seen when project files are opened. This is caused by files in the temporary folders, AB_xxxx, being modified by the McAfee VirusScan software. McAfee VirusScan software should be configured to ignore the contents of the AB_xxxx folders.

Starting with RSLogix 5000 software version 14, the directory structure for temporary folders has been modified so that all AB_xxxx folders now reside within a single folder named RSLogix 5000.Temp located under the Temp directory (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp for Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 operating systems.

To prevent the CTree errors from occurring, the McAfee VirusScan software settings can be configured to ignore the contents of the RSLogix5000.Temp folder. (x51417, x85503)

MOTION_INSTRUCTION data type change

The MOTION_INSTRUCTION data type changed in version 12 and later and the size increased from 12 bytes to 16 bytes. If you have created User-Defined data types that include members of type MOTION_INSTRUCTION, you will lose tag initial values when you convert your project files from earlier versions.

To work around this anomaly, export your project using a version earlier than version 12 of the application and then import the project in version 12.02 or later. If you have written logic that relies on the old 12-byte size (for example by doing a COP of a MOTION_INSTRUCTION tag) you need to verify that your logic is still correct.

The new MOTION_INSTRUCTION data type structure is:


Note the addition of a new flag AC and a new element EXERR. (x36228, x34556, x33393)

Extra digit of precision shown for REAL data type

The REAL data type now shows a 32-bit (4-byte) IEEE floating-point value with the following range:

The REAL data type also stores ±infinity, ±NAN, and -IND, but what the application shows differs based on the format.

The application also stores and shows the IEEE subnormal range:

- infinite
- infinite

Application appears to lock up when RSMACC connection broken

If RSAudit message logging is enabled and the workstation is unable to connect to the FactoryTalk AssetCentre (RSMACC) server to log messages, the Logix Designer application experiences intermittent freezes while it is waiting for the message requests to time out. This might cause the application to appear as though it has locked up, but if you wait about one minute, it will begin responding again.

To resolve this anomaly, either restore the connection to the FactoryTalk AssetCentre (RSMACC) server or disable the RSAudit message logging. Once a connection has been restored, cached messages are logged to the server and the application resumes normal operation. (x36127)

Save sometimes results in large project .ACD file

During a file save operation, the Logix Designer application attempts to compress the contents of a project so that the resulting file (.ACD) requires less disk space. When opening a project, this process is reversed and the contents of the .ACD file are de-compressed. In some instances, the application is not able to compress the information within the .ACD file.

In order to prevent the loss of project information, the Logix Designer application performs the save without the compression. When this occurs, your .ACD file sometimes become abnormally large, but it is still usable. You can continue to work with the file as you would normally. However, if you contact Rockwell Automation Services & Support and provide a copy of your project file, this could help the Logix Designer application development team to locate the source of the compression failure.

Activation error running multiple versions simultaneously

If you have version 10.00 or later and also an earlier version of the application installed on your computer, you will observe an activation error if you run the version 10.00 or later version first and then attempt to run the earlier version simultaneously. To work around this anomaly, always run the earlier version first and then run the 10.00 or later version.

Default project directory

Be careful when performing operations with project files that depend on the default project directory. The Windows operating system controls and retains the default directory for the Open, Save As, and New Controller dialog boxes. Be sure to check that the folder selected is the one you wish to use when performing these operations to avoid mistakenly overwriting your project files. The Project Directory setting in the Tools Options dialog box is normally used unless you navigate to a different directory within the Open, Save As, or New Controller dialog boxes. (x28475, x27886)

FBD routine localized feedback wiring errors

In releases earlier than version 10.00, if you had a Function Block Diagram routine that contained nested feedback loops (outer and inner) you could download the project to a controller but sometimes encounter an error when uploading the project. This anomaly was caused by selecting multiple localized feedback wires in the outside feedback loop. In this release, this condition is detected as a verification error in the routine. To correct this anomaly, select a feedback wire in the inner loop to be the localized feedback wire that is not also in the outer loop. (x28963, x27712)

FBD routine order of execution for unwired blocks

If you have a Function Block Diagram routine with function blocks that are not wired together, the execution order is not deterministic. Operations such as Verify Routine or Export/Import sometimes change the execution order unexpectedly for unwired blocks. To define the execution order, you must wire function blocks together. See the Function Block Attributes Order of Execution topic in the Help or the Logix5000 Process Control Drives Instructions Reference Manual, publication no. 1756-RM006 for more information. (x28703, x28681)

Describing a full circle using the MCCM instruction

In order to describe a full circle in a system with 2 axes in a coordinate system, the Direction flag in the MCCM instruction should be programmed using a code of 2 (CWF - Clockwise Full) or 3 (CCWF - Counterclockwise Full). Due to internal round-off in the floating point calculations, using a Direction flag of 0 (CW) or 1 (CCW ) with the start and end point being equal (or nearly equal) sometimes results in a small arc of nearly 0 degrees, instead of a full circle of nearly 360 degrees. (x56812)

Motion module Servo Update Period changed

The Servo Update Period for the 1756-M02AE 2 Axis Analog/Encoder Servo module has been changed from 200 microseconds to 250 microseconds. The servo update period is displayed on the Module Properties dialog box Associated Axes tab. This change in the Servo Update Period does not have an effect on the behavior of existing motion control applications or on the overall performance of the motion control system. (x28647)

Motion Group Fault no longer produces Major Fault in Program mode

In version 12.01 and later, a motion group that is configured as General Fault Type: Major Fault, no longer produces a Major Fault in program mode but produces a Major Fault if the controller is in Run or Remote Run mode. In versions earlier than version 12.01, the motion group could produce a major fault while the controller was in Program or Remote program mode. For example, a store to nonvolatile memory interrupts the execution of the motion planner, which produces a fault. (x36957)

Phase Loss Fault-action for AM versus IAM on Kinetix 2000 & 6000 drives

With the new Phase Loss Fault-action, added in version 16, if the Integrated Axis Module (IAM) detects a phase loss fault, the motor attached to that IAM will respond with respect to the phase loss fault action setting as configured in the application without any user logic being written. However, if you expect the motor on the AM to perform in the same manner as does the IAM, a Kinetix Axis Module (AM) on the same power rail requires logic to be written.

This logic should monitor the IAM‟s phase loss status bit, and based on the value of this bit, cause the motor attached to the AM to respond in the same manner as the IAM in regards to axis and drive stopping action. The AM cannot have the Power Loss Fault-action configured; only the IAM can. For more detail see also Kinetix Drive Firmware Release Notes. (x71448, x71717)

Motion Axis Fault reset MAFR timing changed on Kinetix drives

The Fault Reset timing for Kinetix based SERCOS Drives has changed in Drive firmware revision 1.85. The change accommodates new checks for reset of the motor commutation angle on the reset of certain drive faults, in particular E05 (IPM), E18 (Overspeed), and E19 (Following Error). Average timing changes observed were 20ms in version 13 associated drive firmware. Now up to 400ms, in RSLogix 5000 software version 15 and later, associated drive firmware for Motion Fault Reset MAFR instruction average timing changes can be observed to complete for clearing the above listed faults. For more detail see also Kinetix Drive Firmware Release Notes. (x55240)

ControlFLASH update of Rockwell Automation SERCOS Drives via SERCOS Ring

Version 13 of RSLogix 5000 software added the capability to use either RSLinx, RSWho, or RSLogix 5000 Who Active dialog boxes to browse to Rockwell Automation SERCOS drives. In version 15, support was added to allow direct firmware update of the Rockwell Automation SERCOS drives via ControlFLASH. The SERCOS Ring must be connected and able to reach Phase 2 to use ControlFLASH for firmware update. The ControlFLASH via Sercos will 1st transition the Ring to Phase-0, then re-establish Phase-2, and finally establish Phase-5 on the drive that ControlFLASH is updating. ControlFLASH of the drives on the Ring must be done one drive node at a time.

Specific firmware revisions must exist on both the Logix MxxSE Sercos Interface motion modules and on the Rockwell Automation SERCOS Drives to support ControlFLASH via SERCOS. The Logix MxxSE module must have at minimum revision 15.06, the Rockwell Automation Kinetix Sercos drives must have revision 1.85 or higher, and the Rockwell Automation Ultra SERCOS drives must have revision 1.50 or higher. Also required is RSLinx software version 2.42 or later, and if using a 1784-PCICS card for the communication routing, the PCICS card should have current firmware and driver version 2.7 or later. (x51766)

Updating controller firmware in a DH485 network

If you update the firmware of a controller while it is connected to a DH485 network, communications on the network sometimes stops. To prevent this, disconnect the controller from the DH-485 network before you update the firmware of the controller. (x28491)

Online disconnection after non-volatile store or load operation

When using any of the controllers with nonvolatile memory, the memory store and memory load operations take between 30 seconds and approximately 3 minutes to complete. During these operations the Logix Designer application is taken offline and requires you to manually reconnect.

Any other workstations connected to the controller is also be taken offline. If you performed a store operation, or a load operation where your project did not have any online changes, you are able to go back online immediately and the project needs to be saved. If you performed a load operation, and your project included online changes that you saved since the last store operation, you are prompted to upload or download before going online.

I/O module list appears empty

If the list of modules appears empty in the Select Module Type dialog box when you attempt to create a new module, there could be an anomaly with system DLL files on your computer. Make sure that the version of files on your computer matches the compatible version listed in the table below. (x19891, x18680, x06823)

DLL Name
Compatible Versions
4.71 or later

Configuring CRC error detection

The Logix Designer application is configured to use BCC error detection by default when using DF1 serial port communication. CRC error detection can be configured instead of BCC by following these two steps.

CRC Error Detection must be selected on the Controller Properties dialog box System Protocol tab.

The RSLinx DF1 Communications Device Driver must be Auto-Configured so that the driver's Error Checking will be set to CRC to match the Logix5000 controller. The process is simplified if non-DF1 communications is used to select CRC Error Detection in the Logix5000 controller.

To change the error detection:

  1. Open a project and establish online communications using Ethernet, ControlNet, or DF1 communications to the target Logix5000 controller.
  2. Open the Controller Properties dialog box and select the System Protocol tab.
  3. Under Error Detection, enable the CRC radio button and select Apply.

If you are using DF1 communications, there is a short delay and then the information dialog box displays the error: "Failed to modify the DF1 Protocol configuration. Communications timed out.‟ This is expected and normal for this operation.

  1. Click OK to acknowledge the error.

The other protocols do not display the error.

  1. Start RSLinx and select the Communications menu.
  2. Select Configure Drivers.
  3. Select Configure for the desired DF1 driver, such as AB_DF1-1.
  4. Click the Auto-Configure button and the text following the list box Error Checking changes from BCC to CRC.
  5. Click OK to close the dialog box and reduce RSLinx to an icon.
  6. If you are using DF1 communications, in the Logix Designer application, select Go Online to re-establish online communications.

This DF1 driver will now communicate only with Logix5000 controllers that are set up to use CRC Error Detection.

Fatal error handling

There is a log file generated that records abnormal events and that can be delivered to Rockwell Automation Services & Support so that the anomaly can be recorded, diagnosed, and fixed. An abnormal termination of the Logix Designer application results in a short period of program unresponsiveness followed by the appearance of a dialog box that identifies the fatal error. The dialog box contains specific details about the cause of the error. In addition, this information is appended to the file fatal error log file.

In order to more effectively address software error conditions, starting with version 14.00, the Fatal Error information is stored in a file named RSLogix 5000 Fatal Error.Dmp. This file, containing the exact memory image at the time the error occurred, greatly extends our ability to determine the cause of the Fatal Error and to address product anomalies if those were the case. The new file is large. If it must be sent to Rockwell Automation Services & Support, it can be either (a) copied to a CD or (b) posted onto our public FTP site ( If it is not needed, the RSLogix 5000 Fatal Error.Dmp file can also be deleted.

Starting with RSLogix 5000 software version 17.00, these diagnostic files are located in C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Rockwell Automation\RSLogix 5000\Logs for Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7 operating systems, or in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Rockwell Automation\RSLogix 5000\Logs for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows 2000 operating systems. For RSLogix 5000 software versions earlier than version 17.00, these diagnostic files are located in the directory C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp (for all operating systems).

Destination operands for GSV commands

Caution should be used in selecting the proper data type for the destination operand of a GSV instruction. Use of mismatched operand data types sometimes result in unexpected results. Refer to the Instruction Set reference manual or the Help instructions to determine the proper data types.

Downloading controllers that use more memory than available

If a controller utilizing more memory than is available in the physical controller is downloaded, you receive an appropriate error message. However, in some instances, the serial port will become inoperative. It is recommended that in this case, the controller memory be cleared (power turned off and the battery removed).

Multiple owners or listeners of 1756 analog modules

When using multiple owners or listeners of 1756 analog modules, set the Requested Packet Interval (RPI) for all connections to the same value. If different RPIs are used, connections sometimes will not recover correctly in a power-up situation.

Configuring the DHRIO module

When online with the controller, if the DHRIO module is configured for DH+ only, this module continuously displays Faulted as its Status on the Module Properties dialog box, even when normal communications exist. To avoid this erroneous fault condition, include the DHRIO module in the I/O configuration only if the application uses the Remote I/O features.

If the Logix5000 controller is not located in the default slot (slot 0) of the ControlLogix chassis, you must use RSLinx software version 2.20 or later, or the ControlLogix Gateway Configuration Tool (1756-GTWY) to setup a controller slot for the 1756-DHRIO module.

User disk memory utilization

If a Logix Designer application session is terminated abnormally, some large temporary files could be left on the hard drive. You should periodically delete old folders named AB_xxxx from your temporary directory. Smaller files with .SEM and .WRK suffixes could be left in your project directory after an abnormal termination and can also be deleted.

AB_xxxx folders reside within a single folder named "RSLogix 5000.Temp‟ located under the Temp directory (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp for Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7 operating systems, or C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows 2000 operating systems).


Application Notes Third-party Software

Studio 5000 Logix Designer Version 23.x, 24.00, v26.01

Data access control compatibility with third-party software

Some third-party data servers use un-tested data access methods not published in the Logix5000 Data Access manual. To assure controller integrity and overall system performance and reliably, Version 18 of RSLogix 5000 software only supported documented published methods for writes. Starting in Version 21 of the Logix Designer application, Logix controllers will only support published communications methods for both reads and writes. As a result, some third party data access packages may need to re-write or re-design their drivers to use a published communications method. Please see Rockwell Automation knowledgebase technical note 67071.


Error when launching RSLogix 5000 or Studio 5000 Logix Designer from CSPPEE
The CodeMeter Source Protection Provider Enterprise Edition (CSPPEE) client plugin sometimes generates an error when launching Logix Designer versions 24 and earlier in systems or workstations that also have Logix Designer versions 26 and later installed.
To work around this issue, install Logix Designer versions 24 and earlier on a separate workstation or on a virtual system.

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