Release Notes

ControlLogix Controllers
Version 26.013 (released 4/2015)

Catalog Number 1756-L71 (series B)

These release notes describe version information for 1756-L71, version 26.013 (released 4/2015).


This release includes security enhancements as a part of our ongoing efforts to improve security. For information regarding Rockwell Automation's vulnerability disclosure process, please reference the Rockwell Automation Vulnerability Policy.

Denial-of-Service Vulnerability That Affects Logix 5000™ Controllers (1042476,1042479)

First Known in Firmware Revision
Corrected in Firmware Revision
CompactLogix™ 5370
33.016, 34.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix® 5370
33.016, 34.011 and later
ControlLogix® 5570
33.016, 34.011 and later
ControlLogix 5570 redundant
33.053, 34.051 and later
GuardLogix 5570
33.016, 34.011 and later
CompactLogix 5380
32.016, 33.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 2
32.016, 33.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 3
32.016, 33.011 and later
CompactLogix 5480
32.016, 33.011 and later
ControlLogix 5580
32.016, 33.011 and later
GuardLogix 5580
32.016, 33.011 and later

For a full list of the potentially affected Rockwell Automation products and a description of the vulnerability, see Knowledgebase Product Notice Logix Controllers Vulnerable to Denial-of-Service Attack.

CVE-2022-3157: Denial-of-Service Vulnerability That Affects Logix 5000™ Controllers (1256258, 1289747)

First Known in Firmware Revision
Corrected in Firmware Revision
CompactLogix™ 5370
33.013, 34.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix® 5370
33.013, 34.011 and later
ControlLogix® 5570
33.013, 34.011 and later
GuardLogix 5570
33.013, 34.011 and later
ControlLogix 5570 redundant
33.052, 34.051 and later

For a full list of the potentially affected Rockwell Automation products and a description of the vulnerability, see Knowledgebase Product Notice Controllers Vulnerable to a Denial-of-Service Vulnerability.


CVE-2020-6998: Denial-of-Service Vulnerability That Affects Logix 5000™ Controllers (00228528)

First Known in Firmware Revision
Corrected in Firmware Revision
CompactLogix™ 5370
33.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix® 5370
33.011 and later
ControlLogix® 5570
33.011 and later
GuardLogix 5570
33.011 and later
ControlLogix 5570 redundant
33.051 and later

For a full list of the potentially affected Rockwell Automation products and a description of the vulnerability, see Knowledgebase Product Notice CompactLogix 5370 and ControlLogix 5570 Controllers Vulnerable to Denial of Service Conditions due to Improper Input Validation.


Corrected Anomalies in This Release

This release corrects the following anomalies.

Kinetix 5700 Operation Disabled (Lgx00167209)

CORRECTED: Firmware Revision 26.013
Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 26.012

Catalog Numbers:


Kinetix® 5700 operation is disabled in this release of programming software.

You can add a Kinetix 5700 drive to a controller project and develop logic. If you download the project to the controller, the controller cannot validate the module and returns an IO_ERR_INVALID_CONFIG error message.

The following screen shows the three variations of Kinetix 5700 drives (DC-bus power supply, dual-axis inverter, and single-axis inverter) all with the error.




Known Anomalies in This Release

This release has the following known anomalies.

Applications with PowerFlex drives in the I/O configuration can experience a major non-recoverable fault (MNRF) (00200734, 00200735, 00200600, 00200599)

Corrected Anomaly as of Firmware Revision 31.011 and 30.014 for these catalog numbers:

Corrected Anomaly as of Firmware Revision 31.011 and 30.013 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 28.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.011 for these catalog numbers:

If a controller already has an application loaded into it that contains PowerFlex drives in the I/O configuration, a MNRF (Major Non-Recoverable Fault) can occur when any of the following occurs:

For more information and workarounds, see Knowledgebase document 1067997.

Known Anomalies from Previous Releases

These anomalies are from previous releases but are still known in this release.

Mechanical Brake Delay (Lgx00113541, Lgx00107169)


Logix Firmware/RSLogix 5000™ Software 19.011

Catalog Numbers 1756-L61, 1756-L61S, 1756-L62, 1756-L62S, 1756-L63, 1756-L63S, 1756-L63XT, 1756-L64, 1756-L65, 1756-L72, 1756-L73, 1756-L74, 1756-L75

Logix Firmware/RSLogix 5000 Software 20.011

Catalog Numbers 1756-L71, 1756-L72S, 1756-L73S, 1756-L73XT, 1756-L73SXT

Catalog Numbers 1769-L18ERM-BB1B, 1769-L27ERM-QBFC1B, 1769-L30ERM, 1769-L33ERM, 1769-L36ERM

This anomaly occurs only in Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP network applications.

When you create a new CIP axis, the default value for Mechanical Brake Delay = 0. If you are using a motor with a brake on this axis and do not change the Mechanical Brake Delay value, the motor will not work properly when you attempt to execute motion.

To work around this anomaly, make sure that you set the Mechanical Brake Delay to the appropriate value before executing motion.



MSF Instruction (Lgx00113540, Lgx00108486)

Known Anomaly First Identified As Of

Catalog Numbers

- 1756-L61, 1756-L61S, 1756-L62, 1756-L62S, 1756-L63, 1756-L63S, 1756-L63XT, 1756-L64, 1756-L65, 1756-L72, 1756-L73, 1756-L74, 1756-L75 - Firmware Revision 19.011

- 1756-L71, 1756-L72S, 1756-L73S, 1756-L73XT, 1756-L73SXT - Firmware Revision 20.011

- 1769-L18ERM-BB1B, 1769-L27ERM-QBFC1B, 1769-L30ERM, 1769-L33ERM, 1769-L36ERM - Firmware Revision 20.011

This anomaly occurs only in Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP network applications.

Every time there is a Motion Servo Off (MSF) instruction/Motion Servo On (MSO) instruction cycle, the Position Trim value is added to the axis position. This change in axis position causes the axis to move unexpectedly by a distance equal to the Position Trim value.


Absolute Feedback Offset (Lgx00076298)

Known Anomaly First Identified as of:

Catalog Numbers:


If you issue an Absolute Feedback Offset, it results in a feedback fault. If you issue an Absolute Feedback Offset via an SSV instruction on the 1756-M02AS module, the result is a feedback fault. The feedback fault occurs regardless of whether feedback is on or off.

Arithmetic State Flags (Lgx00122480)

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.011

Catalog Numbers:


  1. When dealing with Floating point numbers, the controller does not truncate denormalized values or -0.0… 0.0.
  2. For an integer divide, when the denominator is 0, the S:N and S:Z are not set.
  3. For the MOD instruction, the S:V is not set if an overflow occurred during the calculation.

Logix CPU Security Tool

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.011

RSLogix 5000™ Version 20.00

Studio 5000 Logix Designer™ First Identified as of Version 21.00


Catalog numbers:

PI Function Block (Lgx00070832)

Known Anomaly First Identified as of:


The PI Function block appears to stop executing as the output does not change and instruction faults are logged.

If the PI instruction is being used in Linear mode, this floating-point equation is used to calculate the ITerm.


Due to the use of the single-precision floating point values, it may be possible, depending on the values of WLD and KP, for the ITerm value to be small enough, less than 0.0000001, to be lost when adding to the ITermn-1.

For more information regarding the PI instruction, see the Logix5000™ Controllers Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions User Manual, publication 1756-RM006.


Real Time Axis Attribute of VelocityFeedback (Lgx00107793)

Known Anomaly First Identified As Of:

Catalog Numbers 1756-L61, 1756-L61S, 1756-L62, 1756-L62S, 1756-L63, 1756-L63S, 1756-L63XT, 1756-L64, 1756-L65 Version 18.011

Catalog Numbers 1756-L72, 1756-L73, 1756-L74, 1756-L75 Version 19.011

Catalog Numbers 1756-L71, 1756-L72S, 1756-L73S, 1756-L73XT, 1756-L73SXT Version 20.011


This anomaly occurs only in SERCOS applications that use Kinetix SERCOS drives and linear motors.

Under certain conditions, it is possible that the Real Time Axis attribute VelocityFeedback contains an incorrect value. The inaccuracy is the result of incorrect scaling of that attribute.

Your program will have an incorrect value for the VelocityFeedback attribute if you follow these steps.

  1. While offline, you write your RSLogix 5000 program and, as part of that program, the VelocityFeedback attribute is selected.
  2. You save the program and download it to the controller.
  3. You go online.

The VelocityFeedback attribute value is incorrect because that attribute was enabled before the program was saved, downloaded, and put online.

To work around this anomaly, do not enable the VelocityFeedback attribute until the RSLogix 5000 program is online.


MAM Instruction With Merge Enabled (Lgx00078822)

Known Anomaly First Identified as of

Catalog numbers:

Under some rare occurrences, if a Motion Axis Move (MAM) instruction with Merge Enabled is activated during the deceleration segment of an active MAM instruction then the new MAM instruction may overshoot its programmed endpoint. The occurrence of the overshoot depends on the following factors:

•The original MAM instruction's remaining travel distance at the time of the merge and the new MAM instruction's remaining travel distance

•The relationship of the decel jerk of the new MAM instruction to the decel jerk of the original MAM instruction

•If the original MAM instruction is decelerating


Typically, the overshoot does not occur. If either of the following conditions exist, you will avoid the overshoot:

•The new MAM instruction is programmed with Merge Disabled. If there is no other motion active at the time of the merge, then the Merge Disable results in the same operation as the Merge Enable.

•The new MAM instruction has a slightly higher jerk (in units/seconds3) than the original MAM instruction. You should note, though, lower value of jerk in % of time results in higher value of jerk (in units/seconds3).


Excessive Velocity Error (Lgx00105360, Lgx00105595)

Known Anomaly First Identified as of:

Catalog Numbers:

IMPORTANT: This anomaly occurs only in applications that use Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP network.

With any coordinated move in a system that uses two or more CIP axes, if one axis is disabled using a Motion Servo Off (MSF) instruction, any remaining CIP axes will generate an Excessive Velocity Error, that is, Drive Error S55.

Accept Edits (Lgx00122528, Lgx00122622)

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.011

Catalog Numbers:


When you accept edits in LD, ST, and FBD, the controller will log an 'Online Edit' entry in the controller log. Accepting edits in a SFC routine is done by performing a partial import, resulting in a 'Transaction Commit' entry in the controller log. This is confusing because you can select to mask both entries separately. Selecting only Online edits would cause the Audit Value to change only when FBD, ST, and LD edits are made. SFC online edits would change the Audit Value only if the 'Partial Import Online Transaction Completed' bit was set.

Corrected: Logix Firmware 20.014 for only

● 1756-L61, 1756-L62, 1756-L63, 1756-L63XT, 1756-L64, 1756-L65
● 1756-L71, 1756-L72, 1756-L73, 1756-L73XT, 1756-L74, 1756-L75

Absolute Immediate or Passive Home (Lgx00135080, Lgx00134716)


Logix Firmware/RSLogix 5000 Software 20.013, 21.011

Catalog Numbers:

● 1756-L61, 1756-L62, 1756-L63, 1756-L63XT, 1756-L64, 1756-L65

● 1756-L61S, 1756-L62S, 1756-L63S

● 1756-L71, 1756-L72, 1756-L73, 1756-L73XT, 1756-L74, 1756-L75

● 1756-L71S, 1756-L72S, 1756-L73S, 1756-L73SXT

Prior to RSLogix 5000 software, version 19.00.00, you could perform either an absolute immediate (SERCOS only) or a passive home with the drive in a safe off state. In RSLogix 5000 software, version 20.00.00, that feature was inadvertently changed to be blocked and generates the error 16#0028 'You are trying to run a motion command when the drive is locally disabled'.

Disable Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties Features (Lgx00135928)

Known Anomaly First Identified As Of Firmware Revision 21.011

Studio 5000 Logix Designer First Identified As Of Version 21.00

Catalog Numbers:
- 1756 ControlLogix L7
- 1756 GuardLogix L7
- 5370 CompactLogix L1
- 5370 CompactLogix L2
- 5370 CompactLogix L3

IMPORTANT: The following restrictions apply to enabling or disabling the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties feature and should be considered collectively. Any, or none, of these restrictions might apply to your application.

Restriction #1
Storing your project comments and tag descriptions in the controller can increase upload/download times. Be aware of the following:
If you click the Cancel dialog box during the Finalize portion of the download process, the download process continues to successful completion and you may not be able to access the controller for long as 10 minutes.
If the Finalizing portion of the download process takes longer than 10 minutes, the controller can generate a Major Non-recoverable fault (MNRF).

To work around this restriction, clear the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties checkbox when downloading the project.

Restriction #2

IMPORTANT: This restriction exists only in environments that use multi-workstation development.
If you are using multi-workstation development, we strongly recommend that you configure the Logix Designer project to include all project documentation and extended properties when downloading a project to the controller.
This configuration setting is the default setting.
A Logix Designer project can lose content from the text boxes for routines written in either Function Block Diagram (FBD) or Sequential Function Chart (SFC) programming languages when both of the following conditions exist:
Multiple workstations are online with the controller.
The project is configured such that the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties checkbox is cleared.
When project edits are made at one workstation, the content in the text boxes of edited routines are deleted from all of the other workstations in the environment.
To work around this restriction, configure the Logix Designer project so that the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties checkbox is checked.

IMPORTANT: Consider the following:
This anomaly does not apply if your Logix Designer project uses Ladder Logic (LL) or Structured Text (ST) programming languages.
A restriction applies to when you check the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties checkbox.

Restriction #3

IMPORTANT: This restriction exists only in environments that use multi-workstation development.
If you are using multi-workstation development, we strongly recommend that you configure the Logix Designer project to include all project documentation and extended properties when downloading a project to the controller.
A Logix Designer project can temporarily lose content in the Rung Comments sections when all of the following conditions exist:
Multiple workstations are online with the controller.
The project is configured such that the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties checkbox is cleared.
The Logix Designer project uses the Ladder Logic programming language.
When project edits are made at one workstation, the content in the Rung Comments sections for the project rungs is briefly hidden in all of the other workstations in the environment.

When rung edits are finalized on the workstation that is making edits, the content in the Rung Comments sections for the project rungs reappears in the in all of the other workstations in the environment.

To work around this anomaly, configure the Logix Designer project so that the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties checkbox is checked.

Alarm Log Content Lost at Powerup (Lgx00138163)

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 24.011

Catalog Numbers:


Alarm Log content can be lost if there is a Secure Digital (SD) card in the controller that contains a project that is configured to load the project on powerup.

Controller Appears to Be Stuck in the Transition to Run Mode (Lgx00154875)

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 24.011 for:

Corrected Anomaly as of Firmware Revision 1.013 for 1732E-OB8M8SR

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 1.012 for 1732E-OB8M8SR 

If your project uses a 1732E-OB8M8SR module, upgrade the module firmware to firmware revision 1.013 or later.

Incorrect Execution Schedule for Scheduled Output Module (Lgx00157174)

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 24.011

Catalog Numbers:

This anomaly occurs with only 1756-OB16IEFS and 1732-OB8M8SR Scheduled Output modules.

The Scheduled Output module may schedule outputs incorrectly if the Motion Arm Output Cam (MAOC) instruction is enabled before the module’ s connection is in the RUNNING state. The following sequence must occur to observe the anomalous behavior.

  1. The MAOC issues a new schedule before the Scheduled Output module connection enters the RUNNING state.
  2. A change in system time occurs between the time the new schedule is created and the connection entering the RUNNING state.

To work around this anomaly, update your logic to verify that the scheduled output module is in the RUNNING state before executing the MAOC instruction.

ConfigUpdateInProcess Bit Does Not Change State When Issuing an SSV Instruction to Change the Value of the Conversion Constant (00230152, 00228464, 880625, 1594437)

First Known in Firmware Revision
Corrected in Firmware Revision
CompactLogix™ 5370
33.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix® 5370
33.011 and later
ControlLogix® 5570
33.011 and later
GuardLogix 5570
33.011 and later
CompactLogix 5380
31.013, 32.016, 33.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 2
31.013, 32.016, 33.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 3
32.016, 33.011 and later
CompactLogix 5480
32.016, 33.011 and later
ControlLogix 5580
31.013, 32.016, 33.011 and later
GuardLogix 5580
31.013, 32.016, 33.011 and later

The Configuration Update Status Bits attribute provides a method for monitoring the progress of one or more specific module configuration attribute updates initiated by either a Set Attribute List service or an SSV in the user program. As soon as such an update is initiated, the controller sets the ConfigurationUpdateInProcess bit. The bit remains set until the Set Attribute List reply comes back from the servo module indicating that the update process was successful. Thus, the Configuration Update Status Bits attribute provides a method of waiting until the servo configuration data update to the connected motion module is complete before starting a dependent operation.

Controller Can Assert When Motion Instruction Accel And/Or Decel Operands Are Out of Range (3341103, 3453889)
First Known in Firmware Revision
Corrected in Firmware Revision
CompactLogix™ 5370
37.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix® 5370
37.011 and later
ControlLogix® 5570
37.011 and later
GuardLogix 5570
37.011 and later
CompactLogix 5380
37.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 2
37.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 3
37.011 and later
CompactLogix 5380 Process
37.011 and later
CompactLogix 5480
37.011 and later
ControlLogix 5580
37.011 and later
GuardLogix 5580
37.011 and later
ControlLogix 5580 Process
37.011 and later

When MAM, MAJ, MCD, MAG and MAS instruction Accel and/or Decel operands are near zero, a controller assert can occur.

For more information, see Knowledgebase Article Studio 5000 Motion Instruction Error Code 13 Accel and Decel out-of-range limits.

Value That Is Outside the Supported WallClockTime Range (00182341, 00182342, 00190288, Lgx00169520)

Corrected Anomaly in:

Known Anomaly First Identified in:


When reading or viewing the WCT (WallClockTime) of the controller, the year can show a value of 586XXX (where the XXX is any values). This means that the wallclock value is outside the valid range for EPoch time.

The range of the WCT has been tightened in the controller to 1/1/1970 00:00:00.000...12/31/2069 23:59:59.999. If the controller tries to handle a value outside the defined range, the controller does not apply the new value. It now logs a minor fault, Type 13 Code 21. The fault displays an unknown fault in the RSLogix 5000® software.


When the fault is logged, the WCT of the controller is set to 1/1/19XX 00:00:00.000, where XX is 81...86. The year corresponds to the Info[0] value for the minor fault.


A Program’s First Scan May Not Occur if the Program is Uninhibited (00190610, 00190512)

Corrected Anomaly in Firmware Revision 31.011

Known Anomaly First Identified in Firmware Revision 19.013

Catalog Numbers:

If a program is inhibited, and then uninhibited, then a small timing window could occur where the S:FS first scan bit is reset before the program is truly first scanned.

AxisHomedStatus Bit Gets Set To Zero When Inhibiting the Axis (00199162, 00217021)

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 28.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 31.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 32.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 32.013 for these catalog numbers:

If the AxisHomedStatus bit is already established on a CIP™ drive, issuing an SSV to inhibit the axis resets the AxisHomedStatus bit to zero.

Velocity Scaling Not Performed Before SLAT Setpoint Sent to Drive (00218527, 00200340)

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 28.011 for these catalog numbers:

The controller does not perform velocity scaling before it sends the Speed Limited Adjustable Torque (SLAT) setpoint to a drive.

Firmware Supervisor Does Not Update Kinetix 5700 2198-D032-ERS4 Drive Firmware (00218796)

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 28.011 for these catalog numbers:

If Firmware Supervisor tries to update the firmware on a Kinetix® 5700 2198-D032-ERS4 Drive, the Studio 5000 Logix Designer® Application can report a module fault: “(Code 16#fe11) Automated Firmware Update Failed: Firmware file invalid.”

Workaround: To update the firmware, use ControlFLASH™ or ControlFLASH Plus™ software.

Connected Cached Messages Do Not Time Out after Repeated Connection Requests (00206909, 217264)

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.011 for these catalog numbers:

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.051 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.054 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 28.011 for these catalog numbers:

The connection for connected cached messages does not time out after the max number of retries for the connected request is attempted.

MAOC Drifting Errors (00211178, 00218822)

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.011

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 28.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 31.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 32.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 32.013 for these catalog numbers:

Motion Arm Output Cam (MAOC) planner’s output can diverge from master axis position over time. For more information, see Knowledgebase article MAOC Drifting Errors.

MCLM/MCCM Set to Merge All Can Cause Controller MNRF (00220553, 00219873)

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 30.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 28.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 31.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 32.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 32.013 for these catalog numbers:

The controller can experience a major non-recoverable fault (MNRF) due to the following:

  1. Motion Coordinated Linear Move (MCLM) / Motion Coordinated Circular Move (MCCM) is decelerating.
  2. Merge All is activated.
  3. Merging is happening in the last Coarse Update Period of the MCLM/MCCM being merged.

Using Compare Instruction with String Data Types (00223326, 00223030,0226535)

First Known in Firmware Revision
Corrected in Firmware Revision
CompactLogix™ 5370
Compact GuardLogix® 5370
ControlLogix® 5570
ControlLogix 5570 redundant
GuardLogix 5570
CompactLogix 5380
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 2
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 3
CompactLogix 5480
ControlLogix 5580
GuardLogix 5580

If compare instructions (EQU, GEQ, GRT, LEQ, LES, NEQ) are used with string data types and the length of the string is negative, it can result in the controller experiencing these faults:

For more information, see Knowledgebase Technote Using compare instructions with string data types can cause task watchdog faults or controller asserts.

Nested SFC with Selection Branch Execution on First Transition May Be Incorrect (00227908, 00225009, 880618, 1594431)

First Known in Firmware Revision
Corrected in Firmware Revision
CompactLogix™ 5370
33.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix® 5370
33.011 and later
ControlLogix® 5570
33.011 and later
ControlLogix 5570 redundant
33.051 and later
GuardLogix 5570
33.011 and later
CompactLogix 5380
31.013, 32.016, 33.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 2
31.013, 32.016, 33.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 3
32.016, 33.011 and later
CompactLogix 5480
32.016, 33.011 and later
ControlLogix 5580
31.013, 32.016, 33.011 and later
GuardLogix 5580
31.013, 32.016, 33.011 and later

Under the following conditions, a sequential function chart (SFC) selection branch will not execute correctly.

  1. The selection branch is in a nested SFC.
  2. SFCs are configured for the following:
  1. SFR instruction is used to reset the main SFC to the initial step.

Under these conditions, if an SFC is reset while evaluating parallel transitions, the chart may remember that one transition from before the reset was true. If another transition is true after the execution path reaches that select divergence again, the chart could still remember the transition from before the reset and choose the incorrect execution path.

After Power Cycling, The Controller SFC Routines Do Not Execute Properly (00229202, 00229027, 926153, 1594432)

First Known in Firmware Revision
Corrected in Firmware Revision
CompactLogix™ 5370
33.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix® 5370
33.011 and later
ControlLogix® 5570
33.011 and later
ControlLogix 5570 redundant
33.051 and later
GuardLogix 5570
33.011 and later
CompactLogix 5380
31.013, 32.016, 33.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 2
31.013, 32.016, 33.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 3
32.016, 33.011 and later
CompactLogix 5480
32.016, 33.011 and later
ControlLogix 5580
31.013, 32.016, 33.011 and later
GuardLogix 5580
31.013, 32.016, 33.011 and later

Following a power cycle, if the application program includes an SFC with a simultaneous branch, the possibility exists for one or more steps on that simultaneous branch not to execute. This anomaly does not occur on every power cycle.

See Knowledgebase Technote Unexplained Sequential Function Chart (SFC) simultaneous branch execution.

Controller Does Not Transition to Run Mode after Online Edit of PowerFlex Drive Parameters (00219408)

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.011 for these catalog numbers:

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.051 for these catalog numbers:

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 32.012 and 33.011 for these catalog numbers:

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 31.013, 32.012, and 33.011 for these catalog numbers:

CORRECTED Anomaly as of Firmware Revision 30.015, 31.013, 32.012, and 33.011 for these Catalog Numbers:

CompactLogix 5380 Controllers Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.054 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 28.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 31.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 32.011 for these catalog numbers:

If you edit a PowerFlex® drive parameter online in Program mode, the controller does not transition to run mode when you change from Program mode to run mode. This can occur when you use the 20-750-ENETR PowerFlex 755 dual-port Ethernet communication module.

Unexpected command sent to phase when connection is lost to Logix Designer (00224198)

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.011 for these catalog numbers:

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.051 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.054 for these catalog numbers: 

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 28.011 for these catalog numbers:

The Equipment Phase has a property called ‘External Sequencer Loss of Communication Command’. This setting specifies the command to send to the phase when it is attached to by an external sequencer and the communication with the external sequencer is lost.

The options for this configuration are:
     - None (continue in its current state)
     - Hold
     - Stop
     - Abort

The anomaly occurs when Logix Designer has an override attach to the equipment phase and the connection is lost to Logix Designer. The anomaly is that the phase is sent the command specified in the ‘External Sequencer Loss of Communication Command’ property. What should happen is no command should be sent—only the override should be cleared. The configured command should only be sent when there is an External Sequencer (FTBatch) attached.

Consumed axis actual position exceeds the produced axis unwind position (00225674, 00223851)

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 21.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 28.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 31.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 32.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 32.013 for these catalog numbers:

The consume axis can reach positions beyond the unwind value. This is something that can occur depending on the CUP (Course Update Period) of the Motion Group and the produced axis speed.

The consumed axis is configured for linear, but it applies the unwind value that the consumer gets from the producing axis. Depending on the execution schedule, the unwind value could be applied after the controller tag for the axis position has been updated.

Refer to Knowledgebase article Consumed axis is reaching positions beyond the unwind value.

Homing an axis introduces a spike in the Actual Velocity attribute (00225946, 00223672)

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified in these controllers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 28.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 31.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 32.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 32.013 for these catalog numbers:

While homing to the limit switch, you see a large spike on the axis’ ActualVelocity attribute. The drive position and velocity feedback do not reflect the spike noticed on the ActualVelocity attribute of the controller. They stay consistent with the expected behavior.

CIP Motion Axis Feedback 1 and 2 length incorrectly converted by the controller (00218528, 00218407)

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 28.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 31.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 32.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 32.013 for these catalog numbers:

CIP Motion Axis attribute 1419 Feedback 1 Length and 1469 Feedback 2 Length are converted from float to integer by the controller before being sent to the drive. The conversion is unexpected and causes the value in the drive to become incorrect.


Axis Stuck In Synchronizing State When SSV And Inhibiting Axis On The Same Module (00229573, 00225308)

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 28.011 for these catalog numbers:

When continually executing multiple SSV instructions to change drive attributes on axis A and inhibiting axis B on the same module, axis A and other axes on the same module become stuck in the synchronizing state and never go to pre-charge/stopped state. You must re-download the project to recover.

Online Editing of PowerFlex Drives (00227003, 1594434)

First Known in Firmware Revision
Corrected in Firmware Revision
CompactLogix™ 5370
33.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix® 5370
33.011 and later
ControlLogix® 5570
33.011 and later
ControlLogix 5570 redundant
33.051 and later
GuardLogix 5570
33.011 and later
CompactLogix 5380
30.015, 31.013, 32.016, 33.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 2
31.013, 32.016, 33.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 3
32.016, 33.011 and later
CompactLogix 5480
32.016, 33.011 and later
ControlLogix 5580
30.015, 31.013, 32.016, 33.011 and later
GuardLogix 5580
31.013, 32.016, 33.011 and later

See Knowledgebase Technote Product Notice 2019-01-001 Revision C - Online Editing of PowerFlex Low and Medium Voltage Drives (201901001).

IMPORTANT: You must use a CORRECTED controller firmware revision (listed above) in conjunction with Drives AOP 5.007 or greater; a CORRECTED controller firmware revision alone will not address the anomaly described in the product notice.

SRT (Sort) instruction with a large length can cause the controller to MNRF (00227157)

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.011 for these catalog numbers:

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.051 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.054 for these catalog numbers: 

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 28.011 for these catalog numbers:

When the SRT (Sort) instruction is executed, it can result in a controller major non-recoverable fault (MNRF). This can occur when the SRT is performed in an array with a large length, typically over 120 elements.


Dual Feedback Position Error Jumps (00232347, 00232504)

First Known in Firmware Revision
Corrected in Firmware Revision
CompactLogix™ 5370
Compact GuardLogix® 5370
ControlLogix® 5570
GuardLogix 5570
CompactLogix 5380
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 2
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 3
CompactLogix 5480
ControlLogix 5580
GuardLogix 5580

When the following configuration or conditions are met:

Anytime the axis moves past one meter, the position command jumps by 1000 or 39.37 depending on the configured motion units.


Firmware Supervisor fails with “(Code 16#fe11) Automated Firmware Update Failed: Firmware file invalid.” (00206938)

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 20.011 for these catalog numbers:

Known Anomaly First Identified as of Firmware Revision 28.011 for these catalog numbers:

If Firmware Supervisor tries to update the firmware on a 1734-AENTR module, for example, the Studio 5000 Logix Designer® Application can report a module fault: “(Code 16#fe11) Automated Firmware Update Failed: Firmware file invalid.”

Workaround: To update the firmware, use ControlFLASH™ or ControlFLASH Plus™ software.

MAR and MAW Instructions Do Not Execute Properly After Controller Power Is Cycled (1120359, 1161982)


First Known in Firmware Revision
Corrected in Firmware Revision
CompactLogix™ 5370
Compact GuardLogix® 5370
ControlLogix® 5570
GuardLogix 5570
CompactLogix 5380
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 2
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 3
CompactLogix 5380 Process
CompactLogix 5480
ControlLogix 5580
GuardLogix 5580
ControlLogix 5580 Process

If a controller is powered down while a Motion Arm Registration (MAR) and/or a Motion Arm Watch (MAW) instruction is active, the state of the instruction will not be accurate on controller power up.

For more information, see the Knowledgebase Technote MAR or MAW Instruction Not Executing Properly After a Power cycle.


Some Faults Are Not Logged in The Controller Log (1061142, 1594647)

First Known in Firmware Revision
Corrected in Firmware Revision
CompactLogix™ 5370
33.016, 34.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix® 5370
33.016, 34.011 and later
ControlLogix® 5570
33.016, 34.011 and later
ControlLogix 5570 redundant
33.053, 34.051 and later
GuardLogix 5570
33.016, 34.011 and later

The Controller Log feature does not properly log User Task Watchdog faults (Type 6 Code 1) in the Controller Log. For more information about the Controller Log feature, see the Logix 5000® Controllers Information and Status Programming Manual, publication 1756-PM015.

PCMD Returns Incorrect Error Code (1056295)

First Known in Firmware Revision
Corrected in Firmware Revision
CompactLogix™ 5370
Compact GuardLogix® 5370
ControlLogix® 5570
ControlLogix 5570 redundant
GuardLogix 5570
CompactLogix 5380
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 2
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 3
CompactLogix 5380 Process
CompactLogix 5480
ControlLogix 5580
GuardLogix 5580
ControlLogix 5580 Process

Equipment Phase Command (PCMD) returns the incorrect error code “0x6003, HIGH_PRIORITY_OWNED” when it should return “0x6004, NOT_ATTACHED”

Controller Can Assert During The I/O Module Configuration Process (1024030, 00219969)

First Known in Firmware Revision
Corrected in Firmware Revision
CompactLogix™ 5370
Compact GuardLogix® 5370
ControlLogix® 5570
ControlLogix 5570 redundant
GuardLogix 5570
CompactLogix 5380
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 2
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 3
CompactLogix 5480
ControlLogix 5580
GuardLogix 5580

Certain I/O modules send more configuration data than fits in a standard forward open (508 bytes) when the connection is being established.  Therefore, the configuration process can take longer to complete. Examples include E300™ Electronic Overload Relays, 1444 Dynamics, 1718 I/O, 1719 I/O, and many third-party I/O devices.

When the configuration data is being sent to the device, if you change the configuration through the Add-on Profile for the device and then apply the changes the controller can assert.

CIP™ Axis Velocity Loop Causes Controller To MNRF/Assert (1008498, 1006943)

First Known in Firmware Revision
Corrected in Firmware Revision
CompactLogix™ 5370
Compact GuardLogix® 5370
ControlLogix® 5570
GuardLogix 5570
CompactLogix 5380
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 2
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 3
CompactLogix 5380 Process
CompactLogix 5480
ControlLogix 5580
GuardLogix 5580
ControlLogix 5580 Process

Setting the Axis Direct Command Velocity Tag to “Not a Number” (NaN) causes the controller to experience a major nonrecoverable fault/assert.

Grandmaster Clock Description Not Correctly Being Displayed (939979)

First Known in Firmware Revision
Corrected in Firmware Revision
CompactLogix™ 5370
Compact GuardLogix® 5370
ControlLogix® 5570
ControlLogix 5570 redundant
GuardLogix 5570

Located in controller properties → Date Time → Advanced → Grandmaster Clock description could be shown as a blank description or could be showing old information. This does not impact time synchronization.

Inverting Motion Polarity Does Not Invert the Value of Certain Signal Attributes (1329074, 1332544)

First Known in Firmware Revision
Corrected in Firmware Revision
CompactLogix™ 5370
34.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix® 5370
34.011 and later
ControlLogix® 5570
34.011 and later
GuardLogix 5570
34.011 and later
CompactLogix 5380
34.011 and later
CompactLogix 5380 process
34.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 2
34.011 and later
Compact GuardLogix 5380 SIL 3
34.011 and later
CompactLogix 5480
34.011 and later
ControlLogix 5580
34.011 and later
ControlLogix 5580 process
34.011 and later
GuardLogix 5580
34.011 and later

When the axis Motion Polarity bit is set to inverted, certain Signal attributes for a CIP™ axis will display a value opposite of the programmed direction of the axis.

The affected signal attributes are:

• #365 Fine Command Position

• #495 Torque Estimate

• #432 Position Reference

• #523 Motor Electrical Angle

• #565 Slip Compensation

• #600 Output Frequency

• #601 Output Current

• #602 Output Voltage

• #603 Output Power

• #1403 Velocity Feedback 1

• #1453 Velocity Feedback 2

For more information, see the Knowledgebase Technote Inverting Motion Polarity Does Not Invert the Value of Certain Signal Attributes.

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