Release Notes

( 9701-VWMx ) FactoryTalk® View Machine Edition is machine-level HMI software. [FTView, FTViewME, FTView ME, RSView, RSViewME,
Version 13.00.00 (released 3/2022)

Catalog Number FactoryTalk View Machine Edition 

These release notes describe version information for FactoryTalk View Machine Edition, version 13.00.00 (released 3/2022).


This release has the following requirements.

FactoryTalk View ME version 13.00.00 (CPR 9 SR 13)

FactoryTalk View ME works within the system requirements of all Rockwell Automation® software products. For the latest compatibility information, refer to the Product Compatibility and Download Center.

Hardware requirements

The following is a sample specification of computer hardware to run FactoryTalk View ME applications aligned with the hardware used in product development testing.

Software requirements

FactoryTalk View ME has been tested on the following operating systems:

* For more information about the Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 operating system support, see Known anomalies inherited from previous releases.

** This operating system is supported with the Allen-Bradley® 61xx family of industrial computers and CompactLogix™ 5480 family of controllers.

Supported browsers

The following web browsers have been tested and are supported for use with this release:

Supported SQL Server

FactoryTalk View ME version 13.00.00 supports SQL Server 2019 Express LocalDB as HMI tag databases.

Rockwell Automation Test Environment

Rockwell Automation tests software products under a standard configuration of operating systems and antivirus software. For additional information, see the Knowledgebase Document ID: PN24 - Rockwell Software Products and Antivirus Software.

Security requirements

To help meet secure system design requirements, review these publications:

To learn about implementing CIP Security, see CIP Security with Rockwell Automation Products (publication SECURE-AT001).


This release includes the following system features.

FactoryTalk View ME version 13.00.00 has the following new and enhanced features:

New features

There are no new features in this release.

Enhanced features

Corrected Anomalies in This Release

This release corrects the following anomalies.

The list identifies the anomalies corrected in FactoryTalk View ME version 13.00.00. Use the identification information provided in the anomaly heading to track the anomaly in future releases or for reference when receiving assistance from Customer Support with a related issue.

Known Anomalies from Previous Releases

These anomalies are from previous releases but are still known in this release.

Functional Changes

This release has the following functional changes from the previous release.

FactoryTalk View ME version 13.00.00 has the following changes in functionality since the last release:

Web Browser ActiveX control on a PanelView Plus 7 Performance Series B terminal

On a PanelView Plus 7 Performance Series B terminal, the Web Browser ActiveX control becomes a button, which opens the specified URL in Microsoft Edge.

Change in operating system support

Beginning in this release, the product installer prevents installation on all 32-bit versions of Windows operating systems (for example, Windows 10, 32-bit) and any Windows 7 operating system (for example, Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit).

Remove the support of upgrading firmware on a Windows CE 4.0 terminal

Firmware Upgrade Wizard no longer supports upgrading firmware on a PanelView Plus, PanelView Plus Compact, or PanelView Plus CE terminal.

Remove the function of creating 5.0 and 5.10 runtime applications

FactoryTalk View ME version 13.00.00 removes the function of creating 5.0 and 5.10 runtime applications, but allows the upgrade of 5.0 and 5.10 applications to 13.0.

Remove the function of directly adding controller instruction faceplates in FactoryTalk View Studio

FactoryTalk View ME no longer supports directly adding controller instruction faceplates to an application in FactoryTalk View Studio. Alternatively, you can import controller instruction faceplates to an application in FactoryTalk View Studio. For the latest controller instruction faceplates, search "process library" on Product Compatibility and Download Center.

Application Notes

This release has the following application notes.

The following are the application notes for FactoryTalk View ME version 13.00.00.

Unattended or silent install

Use command-line parameters to perform an unattended or silent installation of the software.

Command-line parameters

The following table identifies the installation command-line parameters. Command-line parameters are case-insensitive. However, if a specified value includes a space, be sure to enclose the value in quotation marks (for example, "value with spaces").

Displays the usage options for installation parameters.

Silent Install, install runs in a quiet mode without any user interface.

This parameter is recommended when deploying the software installation using an IT tool or script, and don’t expect any error or restart messages. When using this parameter, check the error codes, and respond as needed. For example, if the installation returns error code 1641, then the IT tool or script should restart the computer and relaunch the installation after restart.

This parameter is required if /QS is not specified.


Unattended Install, install runs in a quiet simple mode and shows progress through the UI, it does not accept any input but still shows error or restart messages.

When using this parameter, the installation will stop and display a prompt if there are error or restart messages. For example, if an immediate restart is required to complete the install, a restart message will be displayed to confirm the restart. Installation resumes automatically from the point of interruption after restart.

This parameter is required if /Q is not specified.


Acknowledges acceptance of the license terms.

This parameter is required for /Q or /QS parameters.


Automatically restarts the computer after the installation is complete. Used when a restart is required to complete the installation.

This parameter is optional. If this parameter is not used, silent install (/Q) will return either error code 1641 or 3010 if a restart is required, and unattended install (/QS) will result in a confirmation prompt that must be agreed to before the installation is completed.


Records the installation options chosen to a recording file.

This parameter is optional.


Plays back a recording file to specify the installation options.

This parameter is optional.


Runs a repair operation on the installed products.

This parameter is optional.

Uninstalls the product.

Specifies which language will be displayed during install process.

The value must be the one of the following:

  • ENU
  • CHS
  • DEU
  • ESP
  • FRA
  • ITA
  • JPN
  • KOR
  • PTB

    This parameter is optional. If this parameter is not used, the default language is the current user or operating system user interface language.


Specifies which sub-products will be installed.

This parameter is required.

For FactoryTalk View ME, the value must be one of the following:

  • Studio for Machine Edition
  • Machine Edition Station for Windows
  • Stand-alone ME Transfer Utility
  • For FactoryTalk View SE, the value must be one of the following:
  • Studio Enterprise
  • Site Edition Server
  • Site Edition Client
  • Site Edition Station
  • FactoryTalk ViewPoint SE
  • Stand-alone FactoryTalk Linx Server
  • Stand-alone FactoryTalk Directory Server

Specifies the language version of the software being installed.

The value must be one of the following:

  • ENU
  • CHS
  • DEU
  • FRA
  • JPN
    This parameter is optional. If this parameter is not used, the default language is the same as the setup language.
    If the software does not support multiple languages, this parameter is not available.

Specifies the installation drive.

This parameter is optional. If this parameter is not used, the default install drive is C:.


Specifies that the setup ignores warnings and continues.

This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, the setup exits when a warning occurs.


Specifies the serial number of the software being installed. This is used to activate the software during installation.

This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, the software must be activated manually after installation if activation is required.

Some software does not require activation. If activation is not required, this parameter is not available.


Specifies the product key used to get activation keys during installation.

This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, the software must be activated manually after installation if activation is required.

Some software does not require activation. If activation is not required, this parameter is not available.


Specifies the version of the software to activate, which corresponds to the product version associated with the SerialNumber and ProductKey.

This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, the installer will use the most recent product version available.

Some software does not require activation. If activation is not required, this parameter is not available.

Error codes

The following table identifies the error codes that can be returned by an installation.

Error Code
The installation completed successfully.
One of the parameters was invalid.
The installation was canceled by the user.
A fatal error occurred during installation.
The configuration data for this product is corrupt. Contact your support personnel.
The installer has initiated a restart. After restart, the installation will continue.
A restart is required to complete the installation. After restart, the product is successfully installed.
Restart pending. Restart the computer for the installation to continue.
The installation cannot proceed because the products are already installed.
The installation succeeded with warnings. Check the installation log file for details. To complete the installation, restart the computer.


The following examples show how to use the installation commands.

VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority certificate

If the VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority certificate does not exist on the local computer, the certificate is installed while installing Rockwell Automation software. Use Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to view the certificate in Console Root > Certificates (Local Computer) > Trusted Root Certification Authorities > Certificates.


Windows operating system



To download RSNetWorx:

  1. Click the Download Software Updates link and enter your Rockwell Automation Member identification.
  2. Enter your Company Name and the Software Serial Number for your current RSNetWorx.
  3. Follow the instructions to download and install the updated software product.

    RSNetWorx v21.00 or later is also available in Studio Professional v21.00 or later. If you are not under a current technical support contract, you may purchase an update for RSNetWorx by contacting Rockwell Automation sales.

    For information about RSNetWorx version 11.00 and earlier incompatibility with Rockwell Automation software products, see Knowledgebase Document ID: PN785 - Product Notice 2013-10-001 - RSNetWorx V11 and Prior Incompatibility with Rockwell Automation Software Products (201310001).

PanelBuilder 1400e

Network security

Internet security software

User Account Control settings

Constraints when using FactoryTalk View version 6.10.00 or later

Different versions of FactoryTalk View ME use different databases.

FactoryTalk View ME version
Tag database
6.0 and earlier
6.10, 7.0, 8.0, 8.10, 8.20, and 9.0
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express
10.0, 11.0, and 12.0
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express LocalDB
13.0 and later
Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express LocalDB

When installing FactoryTalk View ME version 6.10.00 or later:

Due to this difference, some constraints with using FactoryTalk View ME version 6.10.00 or later are introduced on a 64-bit Windows OS.

To open or convert an application created with FactoryTalk View version 10.0 or later in FactoryTalk View version 9.0 or earlier, see Knowledgebase Document ID: QA48248 - Create Runtime Application: Pop-up Regarding Version 9.00 and Earlier.

For more information about constraints with creating and running MER on a 64-bit Windows operating system, review Appendix D, "Constraints when using FactoryTalk View version 6.10.00 or later" in FactoryTalk View ME Installation Guide for details.

Component names


Application Documenter

Application Manager

For updated information, subscribe to Knowledgebase Document ID: IN20660 - Application restored on different language OS will not function correctly in FactoryTalk View Studio.

Data logging

Domain controller

Edit menu

Embedded variable

Firmware Upgrade Package

Global display

Import files

Language switching



PanelView Plus 7 Standard application

PanelView Plus terminal

Parameter file


Shut down an application



Rockwell Automation recognizes that some of the terms that are currently used in our industry and in this publication are not in alignment with the movement toward inclusive language in technology. We are proactively collaborating with industry peers to find alternatives to such terms and making changes to our products and content. Please excuse the use of such terms in our content while we implement these changes.

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