This release has the following requirements.
For optimal performance of the Logix Designer application, the personal computer should meet or exceed these hardware and software requirements.
Tip: The Logix Designer application can be installed on a personal computer
that meets the operating system minimum requirements but may not meet
performance expectations when used in a production system.
Note: This release is not intended to run on a 32-bit operating system.
All operating systems listed are the 64-bit variant.
Keep these operating system considerations in mind:
When installing the Logix Designer application on
computers that have not been updated, a prompt
displays to install Universal C Runtime or to update the
computer to at least the Microsoft April 2014 update
Preferred operating systems are prioritized for support, testing, and post-release patch qualifications. These operating systems are preferred for this release:
Windows 10 v1703 / Windows Server 2016 or later is the recommended operating system if running this software with a 2K or 4K High Resolution Display with scaling up to 125%.
Acceptable results can also be expected with:
Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 is not recommended for display scaling greater than 125%.
Install one or more functionalities for FactoryTalk Updater:
FactoryTalk Updater Agent collects information and activation license data from the Rockwell Automation software installed on the computer. Install the FactoryTalk Updater Agent on each computer that requires data collection. This is the default functionality installed with most Rockwell Automation software.
FactoryTalk Updater Server:
Tip: To avoid issues, limit FactoryTalk Updater Server installations to
one instance per intranet.
FactoryTalk Updater Client is the user interface that displays information collected by the FactoryTalk Updater Server. Install FactoryTalk Updater Client to display information from the intranet.
Tip: Most modules use Flash-ROM for the storage of firmware. If a
module requires a firmware change, use the ControlFLASH™ tool or
the ControlFLASH Plus® tool to perform the update to the
Flash-ROM. These tools are contained in the downloaded image or on
a DVD-ROM shipped with the Logix Designer application. Another
option is to update the firmware automatically as part of the project
For additional information and assistance in performing a Flash-ROM
update, review the ControlFLASH Firmware Upgrade Software User
Manual, publication 1756-UM105, or the ControlFLASH Plus Quick
Start Guide, publication CFP-QS001.
Rockwell Automation tests software products under a standard configuration of operating systems and antivirus software. For additional information, see the Knowledgebase Document ID: PN24 - Rockwell Software Products and Antivirus Software.
This release includes the following system features.
Logix Designer application version v33.01 has the same new and enhanced features and new supported hardware as v34.00.
This table lists new hardware supported in this release.
Catalog Number
Vendor Name
1756 Ethernet Bridge, 2-port, Twisted-pair Media
Rockwell Automation
Kinetix 5300,85-253 Volt, 0.4kW, Safe Torque Off Servo Drive
Rockwell Automation
2-Sxiz Stepper Control
Advanced Micro Controls, Inc.
16 Point 24V DC High Speed Input, Source
Spectrum Control, Inc.
16 Point 24V DC High Speed Output, Sink
Spectrum Control, Inc.
4 Channel Voltage/Current HART Analog Safety Input, Isolated
Rockwell Automation
4 Channel Voltage/Current HART Analog Safety Input, Isolated, XT
Rockwell Automation
2 Channel Safety Frequency Input, Isolated
Rockwell Automation
2 Channel Safety Frequency Input, Isolated, XT
Rockwell Automation
8 Channel RTD/Thermocouple Analog Safety Input
Rockwell Automation
8 Channel RTD-Thermocouple Analog Safety Input, XT
Rockwell Automation
4 Channel Voltage/Current HART Analog Safety Output, Isolated
Rockwell Automation
4 Channel Voltage/Current HART Analog Safety Output, Isolated, XT
Rockwell Automation
Buerkert GmbH Co. KG.
Process Controller
Buerkert GmbH Co. KG.
Buerkert GmbH Co. KG.
Process Controller
Buerkert GmbH Co. KG.
Axx/Axxx Smart Sensor
FLIR Systems Corporation
Weighing Terminal
Mettler Toledo Corporation
iTRAK 5730
Intelligent Track System, Section, Network Safety STO
Rockwell Automation
IEC 61850 Client Communication Module
ProSoft Technology
EtherNet/IP Volumetric Flow Meter
Endress+Hauser, Inc.
S70 Servo NXT
EtherNet/IP Controller
Bray International
STB3574 EtherNet/IP
Barcode scanner
Zebra Technologies
The version of FactoryTalk Linx software provided with this version of the Logix Designer application includes an updated set of electronic data sheet (EDS) files for Rockwell Automation products. Installing this software ensures that FactoryTalk Linx software and RSNetWorx software will be able to work with the new revisions of firmware. To download and install the latest EDS file, access the Rockwell Automation Services & Support website (
This release corrects the following anomalies.
Unable to import L5K project containing 1794-IE8HB, 1794-IF8IH, 1794-OE8HB and 1794-OF8IH (Lgx00233674)
Warnings about unable to set attributes for map connection will be observed while importing an L5K project file that contains any of the following modules: 1794-IE8HB, 1794-IF8IH, 1794-OE8HB and 1794-OF8IH. Use and L5X project export or delete the modules before exporting to L5K.
This anomaly first identified in version 30.00.
Upload rejects tag suffix greater than three (1214729)
The Logix Designer permits an I/O tag suffix of greater than three characters to verify and download but it rejects the tag on upload.
This anomaly first identified in version 33.00.
PlantPAx PAO/PPID instruction issue (1045247, 1121251, 1113608)
Shed value (Cfg_CVIntlk) is limited to less than 100.0% when it should be less than or equal to 100.0%.
As a work around, enter Cfg_CVIntlk = 99.999 %
This applies for projects using ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers only.
This anomaly first identified in v33.00.
Fatal error when Logix instruction references an indirectly addressed array associated with tag-based alarms (1327451)
A fatal error sometimes occurs if a Logix instruction contains an element that is:
The fatal error sometimes occurs when the instruction is imported, or if a project is migrated.
This anomaly first identified in version 32.04.
Changes to a user-defined data type sometimes causes the Logix Designer application to become unresponsive (1170213)
Changing user-defined data type (UDT) members when a routine is open, accessing the UDT being changed causes the Logix Designer application to become unresponsive.
This anomaly first identified in version 32.00.
Preserve Existing Tag Values in Offline Project check box not working for object-backed tags (1399758)
The Logix Designer application user assistance inaccurately states that when the Preserve Existing Tag Values in Offline Project check box is selected, object-backed tags update when importing and overwriting logic. Object-back tags are not updated when the check box is selected. If the check box is selected or cleared, updates to object-backed tags occur during import
This anomaly first identified in version 32.00.
State appears opposite in PPERM Properties dialog (1342083)
In the PPERM Properties dialog, the State status showed the opposite status than the Enabled status.
This anomaly first identified in version 33.00.
Changes to a User-Defined Datatype could cause Studio 5000 Logix Designer to become unresponsive (1145396)
Changing User-Defined Data Type (UDT) members when a routine is open causes the Studio 5000 Logix Designer application to become unresponsive.
This anomaly first identified in version 32.00.
Tag-based alarms may not properly import into a new or existing application (1086149)
If a tag-based alarm is defined in an Add On Instruction, depending on the export type file type used, the tag-based alarm may not properly import into a new or existing application.
If the export file type is an L5K file, the import occurs properly.
If the export file type is an L5X file, the import will not occur properly and the tag-based alarm is not created. The import occurs and no errors or warnings are provided. If the user application code attempts to access the tag-based alarm, a controller MNRF/Assert occurs with a Type 1, Code 60 or 61 logged.
This anomaly first identified in version 31.00.
HMI_Type local tag blank after upgrade from v4.10.00 to v4.10.04 (1384838)
After importing an Add-On Instruction, the HMI_Type local tag is blank.
To work around this issue, type the correct string into the HMI_Type or use the PlantPAx Configuration Tool to type the correct string.
This anomaly first identified in version 33.01.
Source protected routine or Add-On Instruction not executing after download (1312820, Lgx00233725)
Licensed-based Source Protected routines or Add-On Instructions in a Logix Designer application stop executing after a download, when a routine or Add-On Instruction is locked online and previously compiled data was deleted during the Compact operation. See technote 1132965 for additional details.
This anomaly first identified in version 30.00.
Tag-based alarm does not create on import (1093641)
If Logix based alarms are not verified or created when importing a User-defined Data Type (UDT) that references them, users will experience a controller major non-recoverable fault (MNRF) after download.
This anomaly first identified in version 33.00.
Shelving options not always available in Alarm dialog (1463473)
The Shelving options in the Alarm dialog are only available when the alarm is active.
This anomaly first identified in version 33.00.
Error sometimes prevents import of project documentation translations from localization file when tag-based alarms exist (1216877)
When rung comment exists on rung(s) where a tag-based alarm attribute is referenced, and the tag-based alarm reference is the last object on the rung, the message Error: Line xx Invalid object context displays when alarm attributes are accessed in Relay Ladder Logic that also contains project documentation.
To work around this issue, clear Include Project Context when exporting.
This anomaly first identified in version 31.00.
Fatal error when indirect addressing used with PlantPAx Process instructions with tag based alarms in RLL (1343255)
A fatal error occurs when using Relay Ladder Logic (RLL) with PlantPAx Process instructions that contain tag based alarms when the backing tag is indirectly addressed.
Note: Indirect addressing is not supported with Plant PAx Process
instructions in any programming language.
This anomaly first identified in version 33.00.
Incorrect calculation of Motion Counts per Unwind Cycle (1108215, 1108215)
The Logix Designer calculated an incorrect number of Motion Counts/Unwind Cycle value.
This anomaly first identified in version 32.00.
Axis Properties do not reflect SSV changes to bit attributes (00234015, 1063469)
After executing an SSV instruction on a motion axis, the instruction correctly sets the attribute value, but the axis properties does not reflect the change. See technote BF27663 for additional details.
This anomaly first identified in version 31.00.
Changing the Major Revision Keying of a Kinetix Drive sometimes affects Axis Parameters (1010610, 1010618)
Changing the firmware Major Revision Keying in the properties of a Kinetix drive could affect the scaling (Load Type parameter), as well as other axis parameters, of the associated CIP Motion Axis. This sometimes causes motor performance changes, different from their original configuration. See technote BF27045 for additional details.
This anomaly first identified in version 32.00.
GuardLogix sometimes assert when executing a MOV instruction in a safety task (1389867)
Executing a MOV instruction in the safety task of a GuardLogix 5380 or 5580 controller sometimes causes the controller to assert/MNRF when the MOV instruction contains the same tag as the source and destination and the tag is a string data type. See BF27431 technote for additional details.
This anomaly first identified in version 29.00.
Fatal error can occur when an RLL rung is edited using ASCII Editor offline (1244044)
When the ASCII Editor is used to edit a rung where previously an online pending delete rung edit was accepted offline for the same rung, a fatal error occurs.
This anomaly first identified in version 20.00.
Fatal error 0x8004203B - Invalid Software State Due to Inconsistency Found during a verify, build, or compile (1326871)
If a tag name is identical to an instruction’s selectable operand, a fatal error sometimes occurs when compiling the logic. Starting in version 34.00.00, this error displays in the software error pane, “A tag with the same name as the enumerated instruction operand for the instruction exists and is passed to the instruction. Rename conflicting tag name.” See technote 1134127 for additional details.
This anomaly first identified in version 28.00.
The Logix Designer application stops responding when copying motion axes (1170662)
When copying and pasting motion axes between motion groups, the <Product_Name_RSL5K> stops responding.
This anomaly first identified in version 32.00.
Tag based alarms may not properly import into a new or existing application (1086149)
If a tag-based alarm is defined in an Add-On Instruction (AOI), depending on the export file type used, the tag-based alarm may not properly import into a new or existing application.
If the export file type is an L5K file, the import will properly occur.
If the export file type is an L5X file, the import will not properly occur, and the tag-based alarm is not created. The import will occur, and no errors or warnings are provided. If the user application code attempts to access the tag-based alarm, a controller MNRF/Assert will occur and the <Product-Name_RSL5K> application will log a Type 1, Code 60 or 61 error.
This anomaly first identified in version 31.01.
This anomaly corrected in version 34.00.
Duplicate pass through description (1087654)
When pass through descriptions are enabled and a description in assigned to a UDT array element, the sub-elements will show the description text twice.
Safety I/O Add-On Profile Automatic Diagnostic online setting edits makes Add-On Profile unstable (1172072)
For 5094 Safety Discrete I/O Automatic Diagnostic Add-on Profile build v2.2.2, Automatic Diagnostic is enabled by default. If users disable Automatic Diagnostics while the Add-On Profile is online, after applying the change, the Logix Designer application generates a Failed to modify properties error message and the Add-On Profile stops responding.
To work around this issues, go offline, delete the module, and add it again.
This anomaly first identified in version 33.00.
This release has the following known anomalies.
Module Discovery list empty when browsing the same bus in FactoryTalk Linx (1435882)
The Module Discovery list is empty in the Logix Designer application when the same bus is being browsed in FactoryTalk® Linx™. This anomaly is found in the Logix Designer application on workstations using FactoryTalk Linx version 6.21 and earlier.
To work around this issue:
This anomaly first identified in version 31.00.
Incorrect Alarm group set (935371)
The Logix Designer application may set an incorrect Alarm group name when the controller revision is changed from version 31.2.
This anomaly was first identified in version 33.00.
Generic ETHERNET-MODULE and ETHERNET-BRIDGE profiles return error with Identity Object revision 2 (1256226)
The generic ETHERNET-MODULE and ETHERNET-BRIDGE profiles returns the Logix Designer application error Identification information in unknown format in the Module Info dialog when a device is using revision 2 of the Identity Object.
To work around this issue, use the standard and safe Ethernet Add-On Profile.
This anomaly first identified in version 33.00.
Input controller tag value after cable break varies (1494865, 1494862, 1494859)
The input controller tag values after a cable break varies based on the channel value at the last inhibition and uninhibition action.
This anomaly first identified in version 33.00.
Editing Operand Description sometimes results in unexpected display behavior (1354684)
When the same tag description exists on many branches that span an area that extends beyond what is visible on a display and the tag description is edited, the content on the display sometimes jumps upon acceptance of the tag description edit.
Using the left or right arrow keys causes the screen to focus on the tag description that was just edited.
The anomaly does not occur when the tag description is edited for the rung where the contacts are unique because the tag description only exists in one location.
This anomaly first identified in version 20.00.
Storing Firmware Supervisor files from PowerFlex 755T causes the <ST5LD> application to stop responding (1518416)
Attempting to store Firmware Supervision files for PowerFlex 755T devices causes the <ST5LD> application to stop responding. The application must be closed using Task Manager.
This anomaly was first identified in version 33.00.
Delete option enabled in safety and standard connections (1522174)
In safety and standard connections to PowerFlex 755T drives, the Delete option is enabled but selecting it does not remove the device from the project.
This anomaly first identified in version 33.01.
Alarm Definition for Add-On Instruction not retained (1439922)
When you add an Add-On Instruction description in the Message Editor, save the edit and close the editor, the Description is correct. Close the Alarm Definition properties dialog and the description is no longer correct. This is expected behavior starting with version 33.00.00.
This anomaly first identified in version 33.00.
Feedback Unit Ratio inconsistent behavior(1296878)
Changing almost any parameter in the Motion Axis Parameters dialog, causes the FeedbackUnitRatio parameter to revert to a default of 100.0. Changing parameters cause one of these conditions:
This anomaly first identified in version 32.00.
Ethernet module parent property does not respond (1653397)
When offline with an Ethernet module with redundancy enabled, the parent module does not respond to property updates.
This anomaly first identified in version 34.00.
Port Configuration page Duplex setting missing Full choice (1592733)
In an Ethernet adapter Add-On Profile Port Configuration page, if the Auto-Negotiate check box was cleared, The Duplex selection displayed only the Half option instead of both the Full and Half options.
This anomaly first identified in version 34.00.
An anomaly in RSLogix 5000 Module Profile core results in delays when opening Kinetix 5700 Add-On Profile (AOP) to view parameters. The same process completed in less than one minute in v33.00 and prior revisions.
The anomaly was corrected in v34.01 Studio 5000 Logix Designer release, which includes RSLogix 5000 Module Profile core
This anomaly first identified in version 34.00.
Invalid Motor Types Listed for Kinetix 5700 Dual-Axis Inverter on the Motion Safety 2-Primary Feedback Properties Page (1626661)
When a Kinetix 5700 Dual Axis Inverter is created and safety feedback is utilized for Motion Safety Instance 2, the wrong motor types are listed.
If a project is downloaded with an invalid motor configuration, a 16#0118-Module Configuration Rejected: Format Error could occur on the Kinetix Drive in the Logix Designer Controller Organizer.
See Tech Note BF14633 for more details.
This anomaly first identified in version 34.00.
Fatal Error 0xc0000005 on Import from L5X (3161896)
If an application was generated in an XML editor and a move instruction (MOV/MOVE) was created with an empty/missing operand, a Fatal Error occurs on import of the L5X file.
Example of text that would cause the Fatal Error on import:
Example of text that would not cause the Fatal Error on import:
NOTE: The fatal error does not occur when importing L5X created with Logix Designer because the software inserts a “?” in place of the missing operand.
This anomaly corrected in version 37.00.
This anomaly first identified in version 34.00.
Incorrect help topic opens In Alarm and Alarm Definition properties dialog boxes (2372006, 2125791)
Selecting the Help button in the New Alarm dialog box incorrectly opens the New Alarm dialog box help topic instead of the correct Alarm Properties dialog box help topic.
Selecting the Help button in the New Alarm Definition dialog box incorrectly opens the New Alarm Definition dialog box help topic instead of the correct Alarm Properties dialog box help topic.
This anomaly first identified in version 33.02.
This anomaly corrected in version 36.00.
Unable to upload project from PLC (1489327)
The Logix Designer application stops performing with attempting to upload a project from the controller on a sequence diagram.
For details about this issue, see Tech Note BF28540.
This anomaly first identified in version 34.00.
Message datatype cannot compile after upload from controller (1785828, 1789626)
The Logix Designer application cannot compile the ACD file after uploading a program-scoped MSG backing\control tag that is used as an InOut parameter in an Add On Instruction (AOI) to a new ACD file.
This anomaly corrected in versions 33.02, 35.00, and 36.00.
This anomaly first identified in version 34.00.
These anomalies are from previous releases but are still known in this release.
Error in the content of Studio 5000 Logix Designer application generated reports (1421415)
"ACD filename - Label does not exist" appears at the top of the page instead of "ACD filename - Controller Organizer Listing" when using the Generate Report menu option.
This anomaly first identified in version 33.00.
This anomaly first identified in version 20.00.
Using specific set of characters in structured text outlining comment, will cause an upload failure into a
blank project ACD file (2207451)
Using the ** set of characters with a single-line comment (//) (that is, //**) in a structured text outlining comment (#region\#endregion) causes an upload error into a blank ACD file. The ** characters are used for multi-line comments and using the ** characters with a single-line comment causes this anomaly to occur.
To work around this issue, put double quotes around the ** characters, such as “**”.
This anomaly first identified in version 31.00.
AlarmSet attribute sometimes displays erroneous value (3109190)
The AlarmSet attribute sometimes displays an erroneous value. However, the display issue does not affect the logic execution.
This anomaly corrected in version 36.00.
This anomaly first identified in version 34.00.
Defined alarm members of UDTs can be lost in editing process (2339160)
Editing an existing UDT that contains alarms and involves UDT nesting can result in a different UDT losing defined alarm members.
This anomaly first identified in version 31.00.
This anomaly corrected in version 36.00.
Dialogs undocked, split, or set to auto-hide provide unpredictable results for F4 key (2335181)
When dialogs in the Logix Designer application are undocked, split, or set to auto-hide, the F4 key produces unexpected results.
This anomaly first identified in version 31.00.
This anomaly corrected in version 36.00.
Failed to import file occurs during AOI import (2239485)
When an Add On Instruction (AOI) with the same name and one or more matching signature entries is imported with Overwrite option an error occurs. NOTE: The error occurs with signed and unsigned AOIs.
Error message in popup window: Failed to import file ‘C:\….L5x.’ The import was canceled due to errors. No changes were made to the project. See Output Window Errors tab for details.
Error message in Output Window Errors tab: Error: Unable to import “AOI name here”, The Import was cancelled due to a name collision (Name=' ').
Unsigned AOIs: clear the signature history on the AOI that already exists in the ACD file.
Signed AOIs: remove the signature from the AOI that already exists in the ACD file.
This anomaly first identified in version 32.00.
This anomaly corrected in version 36.00 and 36.01.
Selecting Go to Cross Ref prompts Save All (3064189)
When you open a project in the Logix Designer application, select Go to Cross Reference for a tag, and then close the project, the Logix Designer application asks you to save changes even though the project has not changed.
There is no workaround for this issue.
This anomaly corrected in version 37.00.
This anomaly first identified in version 34.00.
Fatal Error 0xe0434352 when creating, opening, or interacting with a module’s properties after installing a later version of the Studio 5000 Logix Designer application or after installing a new Add-on Profile (3219935)
Fatal Error 0xe0434352 occurs on creating, opening, or viewing of profiles updated with a web-based interface, including 1756 Ethernet modules, 5069 Ethernet Adapters, 5094 Ethernet adapters, 1734 Ethernet Adapters, and 1756 I/O.
This fatal error could occur after an installation of the Studio 5000 Logix Designer application or a stand-alone Add-On Profile (AOP), which causes an upgrade to all module profiles.
The fix for this anomaly is available in the Add-on Profiles update for the 1756 Analog Modules, v40.14.70. The Add-on Profiles can be downloaded from the Product Compatibility and Download Center. For more information on this anomaly and the solution, please see technote ID BF30201.
This anomaly first identified in v20.05.
HMIBC tags permitted in 5580 Redundant applications (3396611)
Logix Designer does not prevent you from including HMIBC type tags in Redundant applications, which can lead to controller Primary, Secondary or simultaneous Primary and Secondary assert and errors when you attempt to upload from the controller into an existing or new application when no assert has occurred.
This anomaly corrected in version 37.00.
First identified in Logix Designer version 33.00.
Toggle Inline Value Display feature can cause Logix Designer to shut down (3818739)
The Logix Designer application can become unresponsive or shut down when you use the Toggle Inline Value Display setting while these conditions are true:
The error can occur when you are either offline or online with the controller.
This anomaly corrected in version 37.00.
This anomaly first identified in version 31.00.
Project Path setting is ignored (3855364)
The Logix Designer application ignores changes to the directory path in the Project Path setting
on the Workstation Options dialog. When you modify the default project path,
C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Studio\Studio 5000\Projects, the new path does not appear in
the Save As dialog, the Open dialog, and the Location field when you create a new file. Also,
project backup files continue to be stored in the same directory as the opened .ACD file.
There is no workaround to this issue.
This anomaly first identified in Logix Designer version 31.00.
High CPU and Memory Usage in Structured Text (4004601)
The Logix Designer application experiences elevated memory & CPU usage and can go into a “Not Responding” state when inline values are enabled in Structured Text.
This anomaly first identified in version 33.00.
Function Block Diagram Add-On Instruction does not verify with tag-based alarm attribute references (2334449)
When referencing two or more alarm attributes from the same alarm in a Function Block Diagram Add-On Instruction (AOI), the references won’t verify and will display the following error.
“Another language element’s data overlaps with this one. You can use cross-reference to find other instances of this data.”
This anomaly is not present in Ladder or Structured Text AOIs.
This anomaly was corrected in version 36.00.
This anomaly first identified in version 31.00.
Fatal error when Copying in Ladder Logic, Function Block Diagram, or Sequential Function Chart routines (LGX00223558)
Fatal error 0x80042847 occurs when the clipboard cannot be accessed while performing a copy of ladder rungs. This could occur when holding down the copy shortcut CTRL + C for approximately 30 seconds.
The fix for this anomaly is to show an error, OpenClipboard Failed, that can be acknowledged without closing the software.
This anomaly was corrected in version 33.00.
This anomaly first identified in version 30.00.
Anomalous behavior when editing a large Structured Text routine (3838969)
When editing a large Structured Text routine with outlining, the following issues might occur:
This anomaly first identified in version 32.00.
When enabling SFC forces, the system displays erroneous information (4041343)
Despite these messages, SFC forcing functions as expected.
This anomaly first identified in version 33.00.
Fatal Error when Accessing Controller Properties or a CAM Editor with a Structured Text Routine Open and Toggle Inline Values Enabled (3848611)
Workaround: To address this, refrain from performing the above actions while the Toggle Inline Values feature is enabled.
Upload failure (1024944)
When attempting to upload a project, the Logix Designer application generates these errors and the upload fails:
To work around this issue, remove long names from the project.
This anomaly first identified in version 32.00.
Tag based alarm does not create on import (1093641)
If Logix based alarms are not verified or created when importing a User-defined Data Type (UDT) that references them, users will experience a controller major non-recoverable fault (MNRF) after download.
This anomaly first identified in version 33.00.
The Logix Designer stops responding when copying motion axes (1170662)
When copying and pasting motion axes between motion groups, the Logix Designer stops responding.
This anomaly first identified in version 32.00.
The Tag Browser may disappear behind the Watch view preventing the user from selecting a tag. This can happen when the Watch view is in Auto Hide mode, the user opens the Tag Browser from the Watch view, and the Tag Browser appears outside the Watch view.
This anomaly first identified in version 32.00.
Use one of these steps to work around the issue:
Size the Watch view so the Tag Browser fits inside the Watch view.
Some browsers (particularly the Microsoft Edge browser) may not launch the hyperlinks in the Sample Projects.pdf file when the hyperlinks are configured to open PDF files.
This anomaly first identified in version 32.00
To work around this issue, open the PDF file with Adobe Acrobat Reader:
The Accelerate 3D Graphics setting in VMware sometimes causes the Logix Designer application to run out of memory.
This anomaly first identified in version 32.00.
Use one of these steps to work around this issue:
In the Tag Editor with Show: Consumed tags displayed, selecting all the consumed tags can cause the Logic Designer application to freeze.
This anomaly first identified in version 32.00.
Leaving multiple routines open for over two days while online with the controller can cause the Logix Designer application to crash.
This anomaly first identified in version 32.00.
Subroutine called by locked routine through JSR instruction might not show energized power rail (Lgx00218331)
When a locked routine uses a JSR instruction to call a subroutine, Logix Designer sometimes fails to display the power rails in the subroutine as energized. The problem is limited to the incorrect display; the execution flow in the controller is still correct.
This anomaly first identified in version 32.00.
Labels are cut off and dislocated in BOOTP-DHCP Server applications (Lgx00152848)
When the font size in Windows 7 is set to 125%, the labels in the Network Settings and DHCP properties of BOOTP-DHCP Server application are cut off, making them unreadable. They are also dislocated, where they do not match with the proper input fields.
This anomaly first identified in version 23.00.
Not enough graphics resources to perform the operation requested. Closing windows will free graphic resources (1623620)
Closing SFC routines online in run mode causes a Windows GDI object memory leak. When this occurs, this window’s operating system dialog box may appear.
When the anomaly occurs, the online project can be saved but opening any other windows results in the dialog box appearing.
The workaround is to close the Logix Designer application session and start a new Logix Designer application session.
This anomaly first identified in version 31.00.
Displayed alarm fields may not update when modified programmatically (1541337)
Alarm behavior functions properly with the programmatically modified value; however, the Alarm List and Alarm Properties dialogs box might display values that existed before the programmatic modification.
Saving the file, uploading tags, and reopening the dialogs updates the Alarm List and Alarm Properties to the current value.
This anomaly first identified in version 32.03.
This anomaly corrected in version 36.00.
Direct Add-on-Profile-to-Device Communication Could Result in Time Out Errors or Communication Routing to the Wrong Device (1927272)
Direct Add-on-Profile-to-device communication could result in time out errors or routing the communication to the wrong device in circumstances where all of the following conditions are met:
This applies to configuration data that goes through unconnected communication to the target I/O device (for instance, uploading/downloading device parameters).
This does not apply to I/O data.
This does not apply to commands from the controller (for instance, inhibiting/uninhibiting a device).
Please see technote BF28941 for additional details.
This anomaly first identified in version 20.00.
Removed KNOptimassMfc400 profile (2106380)
The KN profile no longer has a license in the Logix Designer application.
This anomaly first identified in version 32.02.
Motion Coordinated Linear Move (MCLM) Instruction Show ??'s for V_X, V_Y, V_Z Axes Positions (2069950)
In the Motion Coordinated Linear Move (MCLM) instruction, if the Position operand is defined with an array tag and the array pointer is set at element 1 or greater, axes V_X, V_Y, V_Z appear as question marks “??” instead of their respective positions.
This anomaly only occurs with direct array references. This will not occur with indirect addressing of the array tag.
This is a display anomaly that does not affect the instruction’s functionality.
This anomaly corrected in version 36.00.
This anomaly first identified in version 33.00.
Mismatching display resolution and scaling may result in overlapping SFC elements (2122642)
Editing a Sequential Function Chart (SFC)) using a display with a given resolution (for example, 1920 x 1200) and Windows scale setting (for example, 100%), closing the ACD, and then opening the same ACD in another resolution (for example, 3840 x 2160) and Windows scale setting (for example, 150%) may result in overlapping SFC elements.
Studio 5000 Logix Designer Ladder Diagram routines may stop execution after download (2047296)
Studio 5000 Logix Designer ladder diagram routines may stop execution after download to ControlLogix 5580, GuardLogix 5580, CompactLogix 5380, 5480 and Compact GuardLogix 5380 controllers. See Product Notice ID: PN1620 for the specific sequence of events to experience this anomaly.
This anomaly first identified in version 31.00.
Fatal Error 0x80042001 when creating an Add-On Defined output parameter in a routine (1731323)
Fatal error 0x80042001 could occur when creating a new control tag for an Add-On Instruction (AOI) and setting the control tag as an output program parameter.
This fatal error will occur when the tag is created directly from the instruction within the routine.
This fatal error will not occur if the tag is created from the tag data tables.
Reference technote BF29394 for additional information.
This anomaly first identified in version 31.00.
ALMA/ALMD MinDurationACC tag (1529656, 1529657, 2065509)
The ALMA/ALMD MinDurationACC tag description in the online help requires this updated description:
Indicates the current accumulator value for the alarm’s MinDuration timer. Starting in version 29.00 of the Studio 5000 Logix Designer application, this value is no longer used. Value is always 0.
This anomaly will not be corrected in the online help for versions earlier than v36.00.
This anomaly first identified in version 33.00.
SSV attribute must be uploaded (1721849)
When working with the Get System Value (GSV) and Set System Value (SSV) instructions in standard and safety tasks, the SSV attributes must be uploaded to be saved to the project.
This anomaly first identified in v32.00.
This release has the following functional changes from the previous release.
Functional changes for Logix Designer v34.00
Logix Designer version 34.00.00 has these changes in functionality since the last release.
The maximum length for operand expressions is now 4096 characters.
Beginning in this release, the product installer prevents installation on all 32-bit versions of Windows operating systems (for example, Windows 10, 32-bit) and any Windows 7 operating system (for example, Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit).
The Import/Export version number for this version of Logix Designer application is 2.25. The table lists the Import/Export versions for previous releases.
Release Version
Import/Export Version
2.xx, 6.xx, 7.xx, 8.xx
1.21, 1.23
1.10, 1.11
This release has the following application notes.
These are the application notes for Logix Designer version 34.00.
In response to Microsoft Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) Hardening patch (MS KB5004442), the minimum DCOM authentication level used by Rockwell Automation products was raised to Packet Integrity.
Installing this product’s latest version with earlier unpatched
versions of other FactoryTalk products or products using Classic
OPC DA connections may cause a loss of connectivity due to the
difference in DCOM authentication level used. For additional
information, see the Knowledgebase Document ID: IN39461 -
Microsoft DCOM Hardening Information TOC.
Microsoft releases the DCOM Hardening patch in response to CVE-2021-26414. This patch elevates the minimum DCOM authentication level that is required to establish a DCOM connection. DCOM is used by many Rockwell Automation products and may be affected by the change that is made by the Microsoft patch. For additional information about the affected Rockwell Automation products, see the Knowledgebase Document ID: PN1581 - Product Notification 2022-01-001 - Rockwell Automation products unable to establish proper DCOM connection after installing Microsoft DCOM Hardening patch (MS KB5004442).
When going online with the controller with the Download Project Documentation and Extended Properties option cleared, online edits did not save after making online edits to Ladder Logic routines, saving and copying the project, going offline, and then going online with the copied project. (Lgx00230263, Lgx00230366, Lgx00230369, Product Safety Advisory 2017-10-002)
To help meet secure system design requirements, review these publications:
To learn about implementing CIP Security, see CIP Security with Rockwell Automation Products (publication SECURE-AT001).
To learn about implementing CIP Security, see CIP Security with Rockwell Automation Products
(publication SECURE-AT001).
While the programming software continues to extend its functionality with each new release, the physical controllers that it supports will vary. New controllers are added, and in some cases, support for existing controllers may be removed. While a specific controller may not be supported by the current release, the side-by-side installation of multiple versions of the software will, in most cases, provide a means to support the older hardware. If migrating from one controller to another, a project created for one controller can be easily converted to another controller using the Controller Properties configuration dialog box within the software.
If opening a project that is configured for a controller that is no longer supported and the older version of software is not installed, the software will provide an appropriate warning and will automatically provide the option to convert the project to one of the controllers supported by the release.
The table provides a breakdown of the various Logix 5000 controllers and the initial or minimum version of Logix Designer application that is required to support the controller.
Controller Catalog Number
Minimum Major
Software Version
ControlLogix 1756-L71 Series B
ControlLogix 1756-L71S Series B
ControlLogix 1756-L72 Series A
ControlLogix 1756-L72 Series B
GuardLogix 1756-L72S Series B
ControlLogix 1756-L73 Series A
ControlLogix 1756-L73 Series B
ControlLogix 1756-L73XT Series B
GuardLogix 1756-L73S Series B
GuardLogix 1756-L73SXT Series B
GuardLogix 1756-L81ES Series A
GuardLogix 1756-L82ES Series A
GuardLogix 1756-L83ES Series A
GuardLogix 1756-L84ES Series A
GuardLogix 1756-L8SP Series A
ControlLogix 1756-L74 Series A
ControlLogix 1756-L74 Series B
ControlLogix 1756-L75 Series A
ControlLogix 1756-L75 Series B
ControlLogix 1756-L81E Series B
ControlLogix 1756-L82E Series B
ControlLogix 1756-L83E Series B
ControlLogix 1756-L84E Series B
ControlLogix 1756-L85E Series B
CompactLogix 1769-L16ER-BB1B Series
CompactLogix 1769-L16ER-BB1B Series
CompactLogix 1769-L18ER-BB1B Series
CompactLogix 1769-L18ER-BB1B Series
CompactLogix 1769-L18ERM-BB1B
Series A
CompactLogix 1769-L18ERM-BB1B
Series B
CompactLogix 1769-L19ER-BB1B
CompactLogix 1769-L24ER-QB1B
CompactLogix 1769-L24ER-QBFC1B
CompactLogix 1769-L27ERM-QBFC1B
CompactLogix 1769-L30ER
CompactLogix 1769-L30ER-NSE
CompactLogix 1769-L30ERM
CompactLogix 1769-L33ER
CompactLogix 1769-L33ERM
CompactLogix 1769-L37ERM
CompactLogix 1769-L38ERM
CompactLogix GuardLogix
CompactLogix GuardLogix
CompactLogix GuardLogix
CompactLogix GuardLogix
CompactLogix GuardLogix
CompactLogix 1769-L36ERM
CompactLogix 5069-L306ER
CompactLogix 5069-L306ERM
CompactLogix 5069-L310ER
CompactLogix 5069-L310ERM
CompactLogix 5069-L310ERM-NSE
CompactLogix 5069-L3100ERM
CompactLogix 5069-L320ER
CompactLogix 5069-L320ERM
CompactLogix 5069-L330ER
CompactLogix 5069-L330ERM
CompactLogix 5069-L340ER
CompactLogix 5069-L340ERM
CompactLogix 5069-L350ERM
CompactLogix 5069-L37ERMO
CompactLogix 5069-L380ERM
CompactLogix 5069-L46ERMW
Compact GuardLogix 5069-L306ERMS2
Compact GuardLogix 5069-L310ERMS2
Compact GuardLogix 5069-L320ERMS2
Compact GuardLogix 5069-L330ERMS2
Compact GuardLogix 5069-L340ERMS2
Compact GuardLogix 5069-L350ERMS2
Compact GuardLogix 5069-L360ERMS2
Compact GuardLogix 5069-L380ERMS2
Compact GuardLogix 5069-L3100ERMS2
Compact GuardLogix 5069-L306ERS2
Compact GuardLogix 5069-L310ERS2
Compact GuardLogix 5069-L320ERS2
Compact GuardLogix 5069-L330ERS2
Compact GuardLogix 5069-L340ERS2
Compact GuardLogix 5069-L350ERS2
Compact GuardLogix 5069-L380ERS2
Compact GuardLogix 5069-L3100ERS2
One method to restore or reset Workstation Options is to hold Ctrl + Shift, launch the Logix Designer application, and continue to hold Ctrl + Shift until the application is fully launched.
However, when this restore method is used and the Windows User Account Control (UAC) setting is set at a level higher than Never notify, a UAC dialog box sometimes appears containing the following message:
Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?
Clicking Yes on the dialog box while continuing to hold Ctrl + Shift, the Workstation Options are not reset.
To reset Workstation Options, use one of these workarounds:
Some device properties, online functions, communication drivers, and FactoryTalk Security authentication with Studio 5000 Logix Designer are not supported with FactoryTalk Linx. Use the following table as a guide for the recommended communication software to use with select modules.
Communication software
ArmorStart Ethernet (28xe)
RSLinx Classic
ArmorStart LT (29xe)
RSLinx Classic
Drives Profiles
GuardMaster and GuardLink
IO-Link Block (1732E-8IOLM12R IO Link)
FactoryTalk Linx
IO-Link Point (1734-4IOL)
FactoryTalk Linx
Starting with version 31.00 of Logix Designer application, the default font type size for the Structured Text Editor changed from Courier New size 8 to Consolas size 10. Since the Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Action uses structured text to execute assignments and instructions, this change makes the SFC Action larger causing the overlap of the SFC elements in projects converted from version 30.00 and earlier to version 31.00 and later.
To get the same SFC layout as in v30.00 and earlier:
To convert a project with a Function Block Diagram routine with text boxes from version 11.00 of RSLogix 5000 software to version 21.00 and later, use one of these steps:
The Logix Designer application may exceed memory when multiple large routines are opened and resized to fit the full window using the View>Zoom>Fit to Window command. To work around this issue, use the View>Zoom>Fit to Width command to set the zoom of the selected routines so that the entire width of the routine fits within the routine windows.
When versions 30.00 and 31.00 of the Logix Designer application are both installed on the same computer, and trending has never been run in the version 31.00 Logix Designer application, trending fails to run in the version 30.00 Logix Designer application. RSLinx Classic is the default communication software for Trend Server, which causes this behavior. After switching between FactoryTalk Linx and RSLinx Classic, the trend will not work for version 30.00. (Lgx00203589)
Starting with version 24.00 of the Logix Designer application, modules can be accessed via module references. Because of this, program-scoped tags with the same names as modules ignore those modules in terms of logic references. For version 24.00 and later, when attempting to access modules via module reference from within the Logix Designer application, a warning message opens. If converting from a version earlier than version 24.00, the application returns a verification error.
If uninstalling the CodeMeter kit, which is installed with the FactoryTalk® Activation Manager, the Logix Designer application fails to uninstall. To restore the CodeMeter kit, uninstall the FactoryTalk Activation Manager and then reinstall it.
The SequenceManager feature is not available for Compact GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix 5580 controllers in this release of the Logix Designer application.
When editing existing standard STRINGs or entering a new STRING, if there is a non-alphanumeric character in the STRING, such as a space, period or apostrophe, add an escape carriage.
For installations of version 32.00 of Logix Designer, Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 is installed automatically. However, .NET Framework 4.6 can cause these issues:
When using version 29.00 or later to open a project from a release earlier than version 29.00, the signature breaks for any Add-On Instruction included in the project. In the same way, when importing an Add-On Instruction from a project created in a release earlier than version 29.00, the signature breaks for that Add-On Instruction. Un-seal and then re-seal each Add-On Instruction to get a new signature.
The Requested Packet Interval (RPI) setting for the Kinetix Encoder Emulator must match the Motion Group Base Update period. If the RPI setting and the Motion Group Base Update period do not match, output can fail from the Encoder Emulator.
When the font size in Windows 7 is set to 125%, the labels in the Network Settings and DHCP properties of BOOTP-DHCP Server application are cut off, making them unreadable. They are also dislocated, where they do not match with the proper input fields.
Some Boolean members of the AxisSafetyFaults attribute were renamed and some were added to support the drive safety instructions. If a member of the AxisSafetyFaults is used in logic, the logic will not compile until the old axis Boolean attribute is replaced with the new name.
When using a Custom RSLogix 5000 Motion Database in RSLogix 5000 software versions 12.00 through 17.00, update the motion database to work with versions 18.00 or later. The table lists the motion database revisions that are used with these application versions.
Version of Application
Motion Database Revision
14.39.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
33.02 / 33.03 / 33.04
14.50.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
14.31.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
33.00, 33.00.02
14.24.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
32.00 / 32.01 / 32.02 / 32.03 / 32.04
13.04.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
31.00/ 31.02
12.02.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
11.06.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
11.05.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
10.05.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
10.03.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
10.03.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
9.24.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
9.22.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
9.15.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
9.08.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
8.12.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
8.09.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
19.01 / 19.00
7.05.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
18.02 / 18.01 / 18.00
6.09.00 [ Motion.mdb format ]
17.01/ 17.00
5.03.00 [ * format ]
16.04 / 16.03 / 16.00
4.02.00 [ * format ]
15.03 / 15.02/ 15.01 / 15.00
3.24.00 [ * format ]
14.01 / 14.00
3.12.00 [ * format ]
13.04 / 13.03/ 13.02 / 13.01 / 13.00
3.12.00 [ * format ]
12.06 / 12.05 / 12.04 / 12.03 / 12.02 / 12.01 / 12.00
3.03.00 [ * format ]
* Before a Custom Motor can be used in version 18.00 or later, any Custom Motor currently in a motion database file at revision 5.00 or earlier (Motion.db format) must be converted to the newer Motion.mdb format.
To initiate the process of getting the database updated, please email the request to Please include any prior tech support case number if the current database includes non-Rockwell motors.
When using version 32.00 to open a project from a release earlier than version 32.00, any routines that are locked in the project will not download to a controller. Before downloading the project, open the project in version 32.00, unlock the routines, and then re-lock them. Download the project with the re-locked routines to the controller.
This version of Studio 5000 Logix Designer application does not install or use MSXML 4.0. MSXML 4.0 has security risks associated with it and is no longer supported by Microsoft. For more information about MSXML and its availability, see the MSXML Roadmap. When installing products or components made by other vendors that use MSXML 4.0, contact the vendor for questions about the security risk associated with MSXML 4.0.
Use command-line parameters to perform an unattended or silent installation of the software.
Use command Setup.exe /? to display the usage options for installation parameters. Command-line parameters are case-insensitive. If a specified value includes a space, be sure to enclose the value in quotation marks (for example, "value with spaces").
These examples show how to use the installation commands.
This table identifies the error codes that can be returned by an installation.
Error Code
The installation completed successfully.
One of the parameters was invalid.
The installation was cancelled by the user.
A fatal error occurred during installation.
The configuration data for this product is corrupt. Contact your
support personnel.
A reboot is required to continue to installation.
A restart is required to complete the installation. After restart the
product is successfully installed.
A restart is pending and is required before the installation can
The installation cannot proceed because the products are
already installed.
The installation succeeded with warnings. Check the installation
log file for details. To complete the installation, restart the
The Module Info tab within Module Properties will not return module information when utilizing FactoryTalk Linx
Viewing the Module Info tab of any device in the I/O configuration results in the following error:
Internal direct communications error. Call Technical Support.
This error will occur even when the module is connected and successfully communicating with the controller. The error will only occur when utilizing FactoryTalk Linx as the communication software package for Logix Designer.
This is not an anomaly in Logix Designer.
This anomaly in FactoryTalk Linx was addressed in a Patch Update for FactoryTalk Linx. See technote BF28781 for additional details.