Release Notes

RA Library of Process Objects, Application Templates, Application Code Manager Library, Tools & Utilities, and Integration with
Version 5.00.00 (released 10/2020)

Catalog Number Process Library 

These release notes describe version information for Process Library, version 5.00.00 (released 10/2020).


This release has the following requirements.

PAH Instruction Requires Updated AOP for Highly Integrated HART
Requirements as of Process Library Release 5.0

To use highly integrated HART modules with the PAH instruction, you need to:



Process Library Release 5.00.00
Recommended to be used with PlantPAx 5.00

Library Specific Compatibility - Software Requirements:

Library Specific Compatibility - Hardware Requirements:

When you integrate the Power Device Library with the PlantPAx Library, select the correct L5x files (for PMTR and PVSD instructions.)


This release includes the following system features.

PlantPAx Instructions in the Process Controller
System Feature as of Process Library Release 5.0

In PlantPAx System Release 5.0, these process controllers support embedded PlantPAx instructions.

Input Processing
PlantPAx Instruction
Previous Process Library AOIs
Instruction Description
Process Analog Input (PAI)
P_AIChan (PO) P_AInAdv (PO) P_Ain (PO)
The Process Analog Input (PAI) instruction monitors an analog input and checks for alarm conditions. Use the PAI instruction to process a signal from a channel of an analog input module. Use the PAI instruction with any analog (REAL) signal.

Process Dual Sensor Analog Input (PAID)

P_AInDual (PO)
The Process Dual Sensor Analog Input (PAID) instruction monitors one analog Process Variable (PV) by using two analog input signals, from sources such as dual sensors, dual transmitters, and dual input channels. The PAID instruction monitors conditions of the channels and reports configured PV quality. The PAID instruction has functions for input selection, averaging, and failure detection. Additional functions, such as for filtering and alarming, are done by a downstream PAI block.
Process Multi Sensor Analog Input (PAIM)
P_AInMulti (PO)
The Process Multi Sensor Analog Input (PAIM) instruction monitors one analog process variable (PV) by using up to eight analog input signals from sources such as sensors, transmitters, and input channels. The PAIM instruction has functions for input selection, averaging, and failure detection. Additional functions, such as filtering and alarming, are done by a downstream PAI block.
Process Discrete Input (PDI)
The Process Discrete Input (PDI) instruction monitors a discrete (true or false) input, and checks for alarm conditions. Use the PDI instruction to process a signal from a channel of a discrete input module. Use the PDI instruction with any discrete (BOOL) signal.
Process Pressure/Temperature Compensated Flow (PPTC)
P_PTComp (PO)
The Pressure/Temperature Compensated Flow (PPTC) instruction calculates a flow at standard temperature and pressure, essentially a mass flow rate, given a volumetric flow rate or differential pressure measurement. This instruction requires measurements of the actual temperature and pressure of the flowing gas.
Process Tank Strapping Table (PTST)
P_StrapTbl (PO) I_Chrctrztn (GEMS)
The Process Tank Strapping Table (PTST) instruction calculates the volume of product in an upright cylindrical tank, given the level of the product and the tank calibration table.
Process HART (PAH) (+ PAI or PAO)
The Process Analog HART (PAH) instruction is used to provide HART digital data for an intelligent analog device alongside the analog input (PAI) or analog output (PAO) instruction for that device.

Device Control
PlantPAx Instruction
Previous Process Library AOIs
Instruction Description
Process Analog Output (PAO)
The Process Analog Output (PAO) instruction drives an analog output and checks for alarm conditions. Use the PAO instruction for a channel of an analog output module. Use the PAO instruction with any analog (REAL) signal.
Process Discrete Output (PDO)
The Process Discrete Output (PDO) instruction drives a discrete (true / false) output, monitors discrete inputs serving as feedbacks from a device driven by the discrete output, and checks for alarm conditions. Use the PDO instruction for a channel of a discrete output module. Use the PDO instruction with any discrete (BOOL) signal.

Process Motor (Power Discrete) (PMTR)
P_Motor2Spd (PO) P_MotorHO (PO) P_MotorRev (PO) P_Motor (PO) P_SMC50 (PO)
P_SMCFlex (PO)
The Process Motor (PMTR) instruction monitors and controls a fixed single-speed, two- speed, or reversing motor using a full-voltage contactor or intelligent motor controller (soft starter). The motor can be run or jogged, including jogging reverse or jogging fast, as configured by the user. The interface to the hardware motor controller can be through a Device Object Interface or through individual pins. The object is a configurable, built-in combination of the existing PlantPAx P_Motor (single speed), P_Motor2Spd (two speed), P_MotorRev (reversing), and P_MotorHO (hand-operated or monitor-only) Add-on instructions in the Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects.

Process Valve Library (PVLV)
P_ValveHO (PO) P_ValveMO (PO) P_ValveSO (PO)
The Process Valve (PVLV) instruction operates a two-position, single-solenoid operated valve, a dual-solenoid operated valve, or a motor-operated valve in various modes, monitoring for fault conditions. It also monitors hand-operated two-position valves. It is a built-in analogy of the existing PlantPAx P_ValveSO, P_ValveMO, and P_ValveHO add-on instructions in the Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects.

Process VSD (Power Velocity) (PVSD)
MsVsdFrs (RAMS) P_PF52x (PO) P_PF6000 (PO) P_PF7000 (PO) P_PF753 (PO) P_PF755 (PO) P_VSD (PO)
The Process Variable Speed Drive (PVSD) instruction monitors and controls a variable speed motor using an AC (variable frequency) or DC drive. Use the instruction to run or jog the motor, forward or reverse. The drive interface can be through a Device Object Interface or through individual pins. The object is a built-in version of the existing P_VSD add-on instruction in the Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects.

Discrete Monitoring and Control
PlantPAx Instruction
Previous Process Library AOIs
Instruction Description
Process Boolean Logic (PBL)
P_Logic (PO)
The Process Boolean Logic with Snapshot (PBL) instruction executes up to eight gates of configurable Boolean logic. Gate types available include AND, OR, XOR (Exclusive-OR), Set/Reset, Select, and Majority. Each gate provides up to four input conditions that are individually invertible using a configuration setting.

Process Interlock (PINTLK)
P_Intlk (PO) P_IntlkAdv (PO) I_Multiplex_04 (GEMS) I_Multiplex_08 (GEMS) I_Multiplex_16 (GEMS) I_Multiplex_32 (GEMS) I_Protective (GEMS)
The Process Interlocks (PINTLK) instruction collects, or sums up, the interlock conditions that stop or de-energize a running or energized piece of equipment. This instruction can also help prevent equipment from starting or being energized. Interlocks are always evaluated to de-energize equipment. For permissive conditions that must be made to start the equipment, but are ignored once the equipment is running, use the Process Permissive (PPERM) instruction.

Process Lead/Lag/Standby Motor Group (PLLS)

The Process Lead Lag Standby Motor Group (PLLS) instruction provides control of a parallel group of motors, such as a set of pumps with a common intake source and discharge destination. The number of motors to run depends on the demand on the system. The group can be configured to consist of as few as two or as many as 30 motors. The minimum demand can be set as low as 0, so that all motors are stopped at minimum demand. The maximum demand can be set as high as the number of motors in the group.
ProcessPermissive (PPERM)
P_Perm (PO) I_Multiplex_04 (GEMS) I_Multiplex_08 (GEMS) I_Multiplex_16 (GEMS) I_Multiplex_32 (GEMS)
The Process Permissives (PPERM) instruction collects, or sums up, the permissive conditions that allow a piece of equipment to energize. In most cases, permissive conditions must be true to energize equipment. Once the equipment is energized, permissives are ignored.

Process Restart Inhibit (PRI)

P_ResInh (PO)
Use the Process Restart Inhibit instruction for Large Motor (PRI) instruction to prevent large motors from starting repeatedly. The high starting current for a large motor causes heating. Continual starts or start attempts in a short period overheat the motor windings and damage the motor.

The PRI instruction provides a rule-based state model for restarts. Do not use the instruction to model or monitor heating and replace sensor-based motor monitoring devices. Use the instruction to avoid over stressing a motor.
Process Run Time (PRT)
P_RunTime (PO)
The Process Run Time and Start Counter (PRT) instruction records the total run time and number of instances the motor or other equipment starts. The PRT is a software implementation of the mechanical hour meter that displays the total motor runtime.
Maintenance personnel use the run time and equipment start variables to create a maintenance schedule for the applicable equipment.
Process Valve Stat (PVLVS)
P_ValveStats (PO)
The Process Valve Statistics Object (PVLVS) instruction monitors a two-state (open and close) valve and records statistics for stroke times and stroke counts to aid in planning maintenance or diagnosing valve and actuator problems. The PVLVS instruction is designed to work with the PVLV (solenoid, motor, and hand operated) valve instruction.

PlantPAx Instruction
Previous Process Library AOIs
Instruction Description
Process Command Source (PCMDSRC)
P_CmdSrc (PO)
The Process Command Source (PCMDSRC) instruction selects the command source for a device.

Procedural Control
PlantPAx Instruction
Previous Process Library AOIs
Instruction Description

Process Dosing (PDOSE)
P_DoseFM (PO) P_DoseWS (PO)
The Process Dosing (PDOSE) instruction controls an ingredient addition that uses a flow meter to measure the quantity of ingredient added. The flow meter can be an analog flow meter (signal proportional to flow), a pulse generating flow meter (pulse count proportional to quantity delivered), or a digital flow meter providing flow rate or quantity (totalized flow) information. The instruction also controls an ingredient addition that uses a weigh scale to measure the quantity of ingredient added. The weigh scale can be on the receiving vessel, indicating gain in weight, or on the sourcing vessel, indicating loss in weight. The weigh scale can be connected using an analog input, device network, or other connection.

Regulatory Control
PlantPAx Instruction
Previous Process Library AOIs
Instruction Description

Process Deadband Controller (PDBC)

The Process Deadband Controller (PDBC) provides:
  • A Raise output, which is activated when the PV is less than the entered Raise threshold, and a Lower output, which is activated when the PV is greater than the entered Lower threshold.
  • Q and Q-Not outputs. Q is set when the PV falls below the Raise threshold and cleared when the PV rises above the Lower threshold; Q-Not is the inverse of Q.
  • High and Low Deviation alarms with configurable thresholds and deadbands. These alarms can provide notification that the PV is approaching an out-of-control condition.
  • Alarms for High PV Rate of Change Increasing and High PV Rate of Change Decreasing. These alarms can provide notification that the PV is changing faster than expected.
  • Operation in Manual and Automatic Loop Modes. In Automatic Loop Mode, the outputs are triggered by the control algorithm to keep the PV within limits. In Manual Loop Mode, the operator directly manipulates the Raise and Lower outputs from the HMI.
  • Operation in Operator, Program, Override, and Maintenance command sources.
Process Analog Fanout (PFO)
P_Fanout (PO)
The Analog Fanout (PFO) instruction sends one primary analog output signal to multiple secondary users or devices. Each secondary output has configurable gain, offset, and clamping limits.
Process High or Low Selector (PHLS)
P_HiLoSel (PO)
The Process High or Low Selector (PHLS) instruction selects the highest or the lowest of up to six incoming controlled variables (CVs). The instruction sends the selected CV as output and flags the unselected CVs to track the selected CV.

Process Regulatory Control (PPID)
Use the Process Proportional + Integral + Derivative (PPID) instruction to manipulate the Control Variable (CV) in regulatory control loops in response to Process Variable (PV) readings and Setpoint (SP, the target PV) settings.

The CV is typically used as a cascade setpoint for a secondary, or inner, control loop or is sent to an Analog Output channel on an IO card.

The PPID instruction integrates functions of the existing PID, PIDE, and P_PIDE AOI into a single built-in instruction and adds additional features.

Process Library Release 5.0 Add-On Instructions
System Feature as of Process Library Release 5.0

PlantPAx 5.0 Add-On Instructions in relation to previous releases of PlantPAx Add-On Instructions.

Input Control

PlantPAx 5.0 AOIs Bundled with 5.0 Library Download
Previous Process Library AOI(s)
Transfers data from one Library 4.10  HART module
Channel Data array member (for one input or output channel) to one (Highly-Integrated HART) PAX_HART_DEVICE:I:0 data structure for use by PAH instruction.
Captures any of 16 event bit rising edge transitions and records the lowest-order rising edge bit as the reason for the event.

Device Control

PlantPAx 5.0 AOIs Bundled with 5.0 Library Download
Previous Process Library AOI(s)
P_nPos (PO)
Controls a circular or linear discrete device with up to 30 positions. The instruction provides outputs to select an individual position and outputs to move toward increasing positions (‘clockwise’ for a circular device) or decreasing positions (‘counterclockwise’ for a circular device).


Controls and monitors feedback from a discrete 2-state, 3- state, or 4-state device s, monitoring for fault conditions. These devices include multiple-speed motors or multiple position valves.
Controls four discrete outputs and monitors four discrete feedback inputs. Each output and input has configurable states of each output in the various device states.
The instruction also monitors permissive and interlock conditions; the latter returns the device to its default state.
Controls one mix-proof valve in a variety of modes and states, and can check position feedback inputs to verify that the valve reached the commanded position. An alarm can be provided on failure to reach a target position.

Controller Diagnostics
PlantPAx 5.0 AOIs Bundled with 5.0 Library Download
Previous Process Library AOI(s)
Logix Change Detector (raP_Dvc_LgxChangeDet)
L_ChangeDet (PO)
Monitors another Logix controller on the network and checks for changes that impact operation. Changes that can be monitored include downloads, online edits, I/O forcing , and controller mode changes.
Logix Controller CPU Utilization (raP_Dvc_LgxCPU_5x80)
L_CPU_5x80 (PO) (v33)
Monitors a Logix controller, and provides information on controller CPU utilization, communication usage, memory usage, task scan times, and other information. Data that is provided by the L_CPU instruction is useful to diagnose communication or control responsiveness issues and in tuning the performance of control tasks for optimum controller performance.The raC_Dvc_LgxCPU_5x80 instruction can be loaded as part of a control application and disabled (default) until needed. The instruction can also be enabled at a slow update rate for general controller monitoring. The update rate can be increased, if necessary, as directed by a Rockwell Automation Technical Support representative to help diagnose controller performance issues.
Logix Module Status (raP_Dvc_LgxModuleSts)
L_ModuleSts (PO)
Monitors the connection status of one module in the I/O configuration tree of the Logix controller. The instruction provides an I/O fault signal if the connection is not ‘running’.
Logix Redundant Controller Monitor (raP_Dvc_LgxRedun)
L_Redun (PO)
Monitors one redundant pair of Logix controllers. The instruction checks primary and secondary controller status that can affect the ability of the system to switch to the back-up controller on a failure of the primary.
Logix Task Monitor (raP_Dvc_LgxTaskMon)

L_TaskMon (PO)
Monitors one task running in a Logix controller to provide task statistics, such as task scan time and overlap count.
The instruction also provides the following:
  • Task configuration settings, such as priority, rate, and watchdog timer setting
  • Task ‘plan’ execution time
  • Alarm if the planned execution time is exceeded

Maintenance commands are provided for clearing the maximum execution time and the overlap count.

Equipment Control

PlantPAx 5.0 AOIs Bundled with 5.0 Library Download
Previous Process Library AOI(s)
Groups Units together, and provides a propagation mechanism for aggregating status from Unit objects, and broadcasting commands to Unit Modules.
Controls an Equipment Module in a variety of modes and monitors for fault conditions.
Controls a Equipment Phase in a variety of modes and monitors for fault conditions.
I_ParameterEnum (GEMS) I_ParameterInteger (GEMS) I_ParameterReal (GEMS) I_ParameterString (GEMS)
Implements parameter and report data items:
  • For a read only parameter / report
  • For a read/write parameter / report
  • For a parameter / report of type Integer, Real, String or Enumeration
Equipment Module (raP_Opr_EMGen) and Equipment Phase (raP_Opr_EPGen) are designed to work with the raP_Tec_ParRpt instruction.
Controls a Unit in a variety of command sources and monitors for fault conditions.
Prompt (GEMS) P_Prompt (PO)
Acts as a mechanism for operator interaction that can be used within a control scheme. The instruction presents an operator with configurable message or data fields and accepts operator response data and confirmation.
Process Extended Alarms (raP_Opr_ExtddAlm)
Extended Alarms (GEMS)
Monitors one input condition and provides one configurable Alarm. The Alarm is provided as a Logix Tag Based Alarm. Use <InstanceTag>.@Alarms members for access.


Organization is a method by which parent / child relationships can be created and modified among control objects. Organization provides a method to propagate a selected subset of commands (related to command source, alarms, etc.) from the parent down to its children or propagate the aggregate of a selected subset of status (related to command source, alarms, etc.) from the children up to the parent.

PlantPAx 5.0 AOIs Bundled with 5.0 Library Download
Previous Process Library AOI(s)
Ownership (raP_Opr_Owner)
Ownership, Command and Status Propagation (GEMS)
The Add-On Instruction Function to allow ownership of a Bus element.
Organizational View (raP_Opr_OrgView)
Ownership, Command and Status Propagation (GEMS)
The Add-On Instruction Function to create a tree view of the nodal organization in FactoryTalk View.
Organizational Scan (raP_Opr_OrgScan)
Ownership, Command and Status Propagation (GEMS)
The Add-On Instruction Function to scan and update all Bus elements and tree nodes.
Arbitration Queue (raP_Opr_ArbitrationQ)
Ownership, Command and Status Propagation (GEMS)
The Arbitration Queue (raP_Opr_ArbitrationQ) Add-On Instruction Function to add a FIFO to each class of owner in the ownership function.

Process Library Release 5.0 Features

The process library incorporates these features:

Known Anomalies in This Release

This release has the following known anomalies.

PlantPAx Instruction Animation
CORRECTED Anomaly as of System Release 5.00.04
Known Anomaly First Identified as of System Release 5.0

Not every PlantPAx instruction includes a configuration interface, based on the SAMA (Scientific Apparatus Makers Association) diagram interface, which focuses on the flow of information. And not every diagram displays animation.
Instruction Name
SAMA Diagram Animated in Property Panel
No animation
No animation
No animation
No animation

Software Versions
Corrected as of Process Library Release 5.00.03
Known Anomaly First Identified as of Process Library Release 5.00

PlantPAx System Release 5.0 incorporates these software versions that will be available soon:

Process Library Components
Corrected as of Process Library Release 5.00.03
Known Anomaly First Identified as of Process Library Release 5.00

The following process library components were not available on initial release; they will be available soon after Application Code Manager, version 4.00.00 is released.

The following control strategies were not available on initial release:

The Application Code Manager library was not available on initial release.

Some language translations on library displays and help files are not complete.
Process Library Components Release 5.00.01
Known Anomaly First Identified as of Process Library Release 5.0
Corrected anomaly with Software Version 5.00.01

AOI: raP_Dvc_D4SD
Logic for the raP_Dvc_D4SD add-on instruction was modified to 
1) de-energize device outputs on power-up
2) keep the horn output de-energized when in Virtual operation, and
3) provide the correct indication of SrcQ = 2 when feedback inputs are set to NOT be checked

UDT: raP_UDT_Opr_Bus
The datatype of the Cfg_CnfrmReqd member of the raP_UDT_Opr_Bus UDT was changed from BOOL to SINT.  The following instructions which reference the modified UDT were up-revved to indicate the change, even though no logic in them was changed as a result of the UDT modification:   raP_Opr_Area; raP_Opr_EMGen; raP_Opr_EPGen; raP_Opr_OrgScan; raP_Opr_OrgView; raP_Opr_Unit

AOI: raP_Opr_OrgScan
Logic for the raP_Opr_OrgScan add-on instruction was modified to check for the appropriate range of the Inp_NodeSelected parameter.

AOI: raP_Opr_OrgView
Logic for the raP_Opr_OrgView add-on instruction was modified to limit the refresh loop if there is a decrement past the top node of the view.

AOIs: raP_Opr_Prompt, raP_Opr_Prompt_Core
Logic for the raP_Opr_Prompt_Core add-on instruction was changed to check for a prompt reference change while Inp_Req = 1.  Because the raP_Opr_Prompt add-on instruction depends on raP_Opr_Prompt_Core, it was up-revved to indicate the change, even though no logic in raP_Opr_Prompt was changed as a result.

PlantPAx Configuration Tools
Software code updated to correctly add AE tags to alarm groups when the merge Logical organizer is used.

PlantPAx Migration Tool
L_ModuleSts tags are converted to raP_Dvc_LgxModuleSts tags, and L_ChangeDet tags are converted to raP_Dvc_LgxChangeDet tags when migrating to Process Library Version 5.  The raP_Dvc_LgxModuleSts data type and raP_Dvc_LgxChangeDet data type both have tag-based alarm definitions. The migrated tag instances are missing the tag-based alarms.  Downloading a controller with missing alarm tag instances result in controller fault when placed in Run mode.

This problem occurred for migrating data types where the old data type did not have alarms and the new data type has tag-based alarm definitions.  Code updated to add tag-based alarms for all migrated data types having alarm definitions.

PlantPAx Migration Tool
Updated code to check for UDT elements and update UDT definition if element data types are changed.

HMI:  raP_Opr_OrgView
The display shutdown command in the OrgView Selection display "(raP-5_00-SE) raP_Opr_OrgView-Select.gfx" referenced the wrong display name. Corrected the display name in the Shutdown command.

The tool-tips on the edit toggle control in the display "(raP-5_00-SE) raP_Opr_OrgView-TreeView.gfx" were not correct. Corrected the tool-tip text

The security on the tree node Edit mode buttons was inconsistently applied. Changed the security on the edit buttons to "ConfigDeviceBehavior" and "Advanced" in the global object file "(raP-5-SE) Toolbox - Organization Objects.ggfx"

There were misspellings in the remarks for Cfg_StsMask.12,.13,.14, and .16 on the HMI tab for the word "placed" and Cfg_CmdMask.17 on the Engineering tab for the word "Maintenance". Corrected the misspellings in the display "(raP-5_00-SE) raP_Opr_OrgView-Config.gfx"

HMI:  raP_UDT_Opr_Bus
Added the prompt active indicator to the generic bus faceplate "(raP-5_00-SE) raP_UDT_Opr_Bus-Faceplate.gfx"

HMI:  raP_dvc_D4SD
Added the device name to the confirmation header and modified the dialog box text to follow the standards.  Changed were made to the global object file "(raP-5-SE) Toolbox - Misc Objects.ggfx"

HMI:  raP_dvc_nPos
Added the device name to the confirmation header and modified the dialog box text to follow the standards.  Changed were made to the global object file "(raP-5-SE) Toolbox - Misc Objects.ggfx"

HMI:  raP_Tec_ParRpt
The security on the enumeration configuration in the list display was not correctly configured.  The security was tied to the button, not the enabled group, causing the object to appear enabled when it was not. Moved the security visibility expression from the button to the Enabled group in the global object file "(raP-5-SE) Toolbox - Equipment Objects.ggfx"

The word "enumeration" was misspelled on the tool-tip on the navigation configuration button for the enumeration data type on the Parameter/ Report configuration display, this was corrected.

Corrected the misspelling of the word "Independent" in the display "(raP-5_00-SE) PPID-Advanced.gfx"

Corrected the misspelling of the word "Calculation" in the display "(raP-5_00-SE) PPTC-Advanced.gfx"

HMI:  Template Applications
The template application had pre-release versions of the macros used for the TreeView displays. These were updated.

Added the missing images ShadeCover, Cmd_SilenceHorn, Cmd_SilenceHorn_disa to the template application

HMI:  raP_Dvc_LgxModuleSts
Corrected the tag references for the graphic symbol "raP_Dvc_LgxRedun" and Updated the tag references in the global object file "(raP-5-SE) Graphic Symbols - raP_Dvc_LgxModuleSts.ggfx"

The checkbox label and remark for the configuration tag Cfg_AllowXCmdSwtchover did not have the correct text.  The text referened "Maintenance" instead of "External" Changed "Maintenance" to "External" in the checkbox label and remark on the display "(raP-5-SE) Graphic Symbols - raP_Dvc_LgxRedun.ggfx"

Control Strategies
These four configuration bits, which have default values of 1 in the device and PCMDSRC instruction definitions, have values of zero in the imported Control Strategy:
•   Cfg_HasOper
•   Cfg_HasProg
•   Cfg_HasOperLocked
•   Cfg_HasProgLocked
When these bits are all zero, the PCMDSRC instruction sets Cfg_HasOper to 1 if the “normal” command source is Operator (default), or sets Cfg_HasProg to 1 if the “normal” command source is Program.  Since only one of the four configuration bits is 1, the other selections essentially do not exist, and their buttons on the Command Source Popup are made not visible.

Control Strategies with reported anomaly:

Changed control strategies with these four configuration bits, set to 1:
•   Cfg_HasOper
•   Cfg_HasProg
•   Cfg_HasOperLocked
•   Cfg_HasProgLocked

PlantPAx® Embedded Instruction PVLV - Incorrect Operation on Change of Valve Type Selection (1088575, 1090027)

First Known in Version
Corrected in Version
Process Library, version 5.00.00
5.00.02 and later
ControlLogix® 5580 Process Controllers
33.012, 34.011 and later
CompactLogix™ 5380 Process Controller
33.012, 34.011 and later

For the Process Valve (PVLV) instruction, output to device is incorrectly generated when valve type selection is changed among selections of solenoid operated valve, motor-operated valve, or hand operated valve. Errant outputs can also be generated when changing valve action between “normally open” and “normally closed” selections for the solenoid operated valve.

For more information, see Knowledgebase Technote PVLV outputs incorrectly energize when changing the valve type while online.

PlantPAx® Embedded Instruction PVLV - Incorrect Operation When Controller Transitions from Program to Run (1061579, 1067067)

First Known in Version
Corrected in Version
Process Library, version 5.00.00
5.00.02 and later
ControlLogix® 5580 Process Controllers
33.012, 34.011 and later
CompactLogix™ 5380 Process Controller
33.012, 34.011 and later

For the Process Valve (PVLV) instruction, output to device is incorrectly generated when the controller is transitioned from Program to Run status. Expected behavior is that the PVLV function should not produce any output when the valve is at rest in the selected position unless there is an operator or program command to do so.

For more information, see Knowledgebase Technote Product Notice 2021-03-002 -  PlantPAx 5.0 Execution Anomaly with PVLV Instruction When Controller Transitions from Program to Run.


PlantPAx Embedded Instruction PPID - Incorrect Setpoint Tracking of Process Variable (1020144, 1065240)

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.012

Known Anomaly First Identified as of:

For the Process Proportional + Integral + Derivative (PPID) instruction, setpoint does not maintain the tracked process variable (when selected to do so) on a transition from Manual to Automatic mode. The setpoint instead reverts to the last command-entered value before the initial transition to Manual mode. 

PlantPAx Embedded Instruction PMTR - Improper Logical Use of “Use Feedback” and “Has Feedback” Selections Within the Instruction (1061598, 1067057)

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.012

Known Anomaly First Identified as of:

For the Process Motor instruction (PMTR), if “has run feedback” is set to FALSE (0) and if the user selects “use run feedback” to TRUE (1), the run feedback is used, even though it “doesn’t exist” (“has” is false).  Run feedback should only be used if “has run feedback” and “use run feedback” are BOTH TRUE.

PlantPAx Embedded Instruction PVSD - Instruction Does Not Disable Commands from The Referenced Power Device Object (1061593, 1067059)

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.012

Known Anomaly First Identified as of:

The Process Variable Speed Drive (PVSD) instruction does not set the “command inhibit” and “setting inhibit” bits in the power velocity device object’s Settings interface to inhibit the jog commands and speed reference setting from the power velocity device object’s AOI and faceplate.  As a result, a jog command can be issued from the power velocity device faceplate, which interferes/conflicts with the commands/speed sent by the PVSD instruction.

PlantPAx Embedded Instruction PVSD and PMTR - Do Not Allow Subsequent Fault Resets after Initial Fault (1059991, 1202104)

CORRECTED Anomaly with Firmware Revision 33.012

Known Anomaly First Identified as of:

Attempting to reset fault from a raC_Dvc_xxxxx faceplate will allow for subsequent attempts to clear fault. Attempting to reset fault from a Process Variable Speed Drive (PVSD) or from the Process Motor (PMTR) faceplate will not.

PlantPAx® Embedded Instruction PVSD - Returning from Hand While Drive Is Running Results in Running Wrong Direction (1424134, 1430601)

First Known in Firmware Revision
Corrected in Firmware Revision
ControlLogix® 5580 Process
33.015, 34.011 and later
CompactLogix™ 5380 Process
33.015, 34.011 and later

Transitioning the command source from “Hand” to any other command source while the drive is still running, even if decelerating when commanded to stop, results in the drive continuing to run but in the opposite direction. This action requires that the drive is configured to have reverse capability and the drive is still running while the transition from “Hand” occurs.

As a workaround to the above issue, you can add logic to issue a drive Stop in Override command source on transition from Hand to (not in Hand).

PlantPAx ACM Library for V5.00.02 (1411475)
Corrected Anomaly as of Process Library, version 5.00.03
Known Anomaly First Identified as of Process Library, version 5.00.00


Known Anomalies from Previous Releases

These anomalies are from previous releases but are still known in this release.

Failure to Verify the I_1794IF8IHNFXT Instruction
Known Anomaly First Identified as of PlantPAx Process Library Version 4.00.00

Various versions of Studio 5000 Logix Designer use either a built-in profile for the 1794-IF8IHNFXT FLEX I/O 8-channel isolated extended temperature HART analog input module (as in V24 of Logix) or an add on profile (as in V31 of Logix). The add-on profile and built-in profile use different data type names for the HART extended status input assembly:
Because of this, the I_1794IF8IHNFXT add-on instruction, which was built with V24 of Logix and the built-in profile, may not verify if you have a more recent version of Logix (such as V31) installed on your PC, even if you are developing your project in V24. (This is a known anomaly in the Studio 5000 Logix Designer product.)
As a workaround, you can open the Add-On Instruction definition for the I_1794IF8IHNFXT instruction and change the data type for the “Ref_Inp2” InOut Parameter to match the data type used for the module in your project. In the example below, change the “…Status:I:0” type to “…Status:I2:0”:


Alternate Method:

1. Expand the I_1794IF8IHNFXT AOI in the controller organizer.
2. Right-click "Parameters and Local Tags" and select "Edit Tags".
3. Find Ref_Inp and Ref_Inp2 -- if either has the red X, fix the data type to match what was created when the 1794-IF8IHNFXT module was added to the I/O Configuration tree.



Functional Changes

This release has the following functional changes from the previous release.

FactoryTalk View ME Support

Functional Change First Identified as of Software Version 5.00

PlantPAx 5.xx.xx libraries do not support FactoryTalk View ME.

Application Notes

This release has the following application notes.

PlantPAx DCS System Release 5.0 Publication Library
PlantPAx System Release 5.0

The PlantPAx System 5.0 Release focuses on reduced footprint, consistency, and streamlined workflow, in addition to other technical enhancements. To complement this release, the new publications simplify the technical content experience and reinforces PlantPAx as a system. See PROCES-UM100 and PROCES-RM200 in the table.

This new system approach still provides the traditional ‘what’ that you expect in technical content. But instead of repeating task-based ‘how’ content that is already in multiple, product-specific manuals, our new approach shifts the focus to the more impactful ‘why’ content. Why do I need this feature? Why do I need this configuration? Why do I want this topology?

Define and Procure
PlantPAx Distributed Control System Selection Guide, PROCES-SG001
Integrate Endress+Hauser Instruments in a PlantPAx Distributed Control System Integration Document, PROCES-SG003
PlantPAx System Hardware Specifications, PROCES-SR027
PlantPAx Template User Manual, 9528-UM001
NEW PlantPAx Distributed Control System Infrastructure Configuration User Manual, PROCES-UM100
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Design Considerations Reference Manual, PROCES-RM005
PlantPAx Batch Design Considerations Reference Manual, PROCES-RM008
PlantPAx Logix Batch and Sequence Manager Reference Manual, PROCES-RM007
Process Library Objects
NEW Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects System Release 5.0 Reference Manual, PROCES-RM200
REVISED Logix 5000 Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions Reference Manual, 1756-RM006
Rockwell Automation Library of Logix Diagnostic Objects Reference Manual, PROCES-RM003
Rockwell Automation Library of Steam Table Instructions Reference Manual, PROCES-RM004
Rockwell Automation Sequencer Object Reference Manual, PROCES-RM006
Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects: HART Modules Reference Manual, PROCES-RM010
Rockwell Automation Library of Electrical Protection Devices Reference Manual, PROCES-RM011
Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects: EtherNet/IP Instrumentation Reference Manual, PROCES-RM012

Rockwell Automation recognizes that some of the terms that are currently used in our industry and in this publication are not in alignment with the movement toward inclusive language in technology. We are proactively collaborating with industry peers to find alternatives to such terms and making changes to our products and content. Please excuse the use of such terms in our content while we implement these changes.

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